
Are tablets suitable for children?

As parents, we worry when we see our children spending their free time playing on tablets, phones and other devices. Most of us are absolutely aware that movement, playing in the fresh air or reading books are significantly better for the development of the child, but we sometimes help ourselves with screen devices when the child needs to be distracted or when we are busy with something else.

Some experts advocate the view that small children should not be exposed to screens at all, while others believe that screens in themselves are not a problem as long as their time of use limited and balanced with other activities.

Play should be a joint activity. The child should have an extremely limited amount of time alone with the tablet!
Play should be a joint activity. The child should have an extremely limited amount of time alone with the tablet!

Parents often worry that screens hinder development in the fields, such as social and communication skills. However, as devices and technology developed and became more intuitive and creative, this opened up opportunities for children to develop in those areas where their abilities limited.

Control over applications and their suitability is important!
Control over applications and their suitability is important!

Encouraging the child's communication with technology

Small children do not yet communicate with by reading and by writing, but they are full of ideas they want to express. It can be a really frustrating stage, but by using technology in the right way, we can help them get theirs ideas transcend. This is especially true for children with communication difficulties.

Technology as it is video call on a tablet or phone, can support social interaction and communication skills by showing children things they want to talk about or describing aspects of everyday life to family and friends. By doing this, they learn to turn, they consider the conversation partner and they explain things in a way that is understandable to someone who is not in the same place.

How to teach a child with technology

Almost any game, app, or website can offer kids a positive learning opportunity, if you are considering how to support their game.

Being there is key

Effective guided interaction is finding ways to support children's playing and learning with technology. Guided interaction often comes naturally: showing interest, asking questions, making suggestions, encouraging, praising achievements, just being around and helping children deal with their frustrations. All this can build self-confidence and support the child's play and learning.

Gaming should be fun for two!
Gaming should be fun for two!

Turning pretend fun into real-world skills

Guided interaction also includes children's extended learning next to the screen. For example, if a virtual game involves sorting items into different categories, you can follow a real-world game where your child helps sort the laundry. By doing this, you helped him to be what he is experienced on screen, connects to everyday life.

Involving children in your online tasks

Include the child in everyday tasks, such as online shopping, checking the weather or direction finding. This gives him a sense of what the technology can be used for. These daily tasks can also be a good opportunity to talk to the child about the wider world and to develop general knowledge, for example about what his favorite foods and why, where the food in the shops comes from, etc.

Checking the weather, reading fairy tales or watching cartoons together.
Checking the weather, reading fairy tales or watching cartoons together.

How to find good apps for kids?

Apps, games, and websites that promote themselves as "educational" aren't always best to support learning. The fact that they are interactive does not necessarily mean that they are much better than the "outdated" workbooks with right and wrong answers. Kids can they enjoy these apps for some time, but they quickly get bored, which is not the most attractive way to learn.

Until be careful with free apps. Some will expose your child to advertisements. Others are designed to lure the child into the game and then demand payment if the child wants to continue playing. This can cause frustration as young children do not understand why they cannot continue playing.

Just like adults, children are also bothered by ads on free apps.
Just like adults, kids are also annoyed by ads on free apps.

Choosing an app requires just as much attention as any other thing we buy for a child. Don't just rely on the star rating, but read user reviews and check the privacy policy if you're concerned about the personal data an app may be collecting. If you want your child to enjoy learning, develop curiosity and think creatively about things, then offer them a range of games and apps.

Certain tablets allow restriction of use and a "special child" profile.
Certain tablets allow restriction of use and a "special child" profile.

HUAWEI MediaPad M5 lite is perfectly designed to protect your child's vision, offers an improved eye comfort mode that effectively reduces harmful blue light and provides smart reminders when, for example, the device is too close to your child's face, warns him to move a little further away from the screen, or for example, when your child is reading in a lying position, the tablet suggests a change in body position.

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