
Are you intuitive: Your intuition can lead you to success

Photo: envato

With strong intuition, you can make better decisions and feel more connected to yourself and the world around you. Intuition is a powerful resource that can help us make better decisions, find solutions and the right direction in life. Even if we don't realize it, we all have some level of intuitive ability. The deeper our understanding, the more power we will have to use it to improve our lives.

Intuition is the ability to understand something instinctively, without the need for conscious reasoning, and is often cited as a tool that leads to success. Successful people regularly emphasize it as an important part of their path to success, and it has been shown to be highly correlated with emotional intelligence. Yours intuition is an inner compass, which constantly leads you to your goals. Many studies on intuition lead to the conclusion that it is a psychological phenomenon where the brain relies on internal and external cues and past experiences to make choices. How can you use your intuition to improve your life?

1. Listen to your inner thoughts

The first step in using intuition is to simply listen to your inner thoughts. Your intuition can't talk to you if you don't listen to it. Pay attention to the voice in your head and you will notice, when he's trying to tell you something. When you have a strong intuition about someone, it's usually because your subconscious was picking up on things you weren't aware of. If you start paying attention to your hunches, you'll be surprised how often they're right.

2. Surrender to the feeling

It is not only your mind that can grasp something; your body can do it too. If you have about someone or something strange feeling, it is worth paying attention to it. Your body is always trying to protect you, so if something goes wrong feel uncomfortable, that's probably for good reason.


3. Learn to distinguish between intuition and logic

There is a difference between intuition and logic. Intuitive people often trust their gut feeling and follow their heart, while logical people rely on facts and reason. Although it is somewhat important to be logical, intuition is what will guide you guides to your truth.

Understanding the difference between the two can help you know when to use logic and when to trust your gut. This, in turn, helps you make better decisions in all aspects of life.

4. Get in touch with your emotions

Intuitive people are in tune with their emotions and use them to guide their decisions. If you want to be more intuitive, step into the get in touch with your emotions and learn to trust them. This includes being honest with yourself about how you feel. When you feel something, take a moment to acknowledge it. Don't try to suppress it or ignore it, and don't judge yourself for your feelings. Just let her go and see what she has to say.


5. Find time to meditate

Practicing meditation and mindfulness allows you to focus and connect with your inner thoughts and feelings. It allows you to be clear your mind and focus on that, which is really important to you. If you don't have time to meditate for a long time, you can start with a small amount of minutes. Just taking five minutes a day to sit quietly and focus on your breath can make a big difference.

Start by focusing on your own inhales and exhales. Then let your mind wander. Don't worry if this bothers you - it's normal. Just gently bring your focus back to your breath. The more you practice, the easier it will be to clear your mind and connect with your intuition.

6. Take a break from technology

We are constantly bombarded with external noise and stimulation. If you want to learn to listen to your intuition, one of the best things you can do is take a break from technology.

That means that turn off your phone, computer and other electronics, which could disturb you. It also means disconnecting from social media and news. Spend some time in nature or simply sit quietly in your home without any distractions. This will help you clear up thoughts and focus on your intuitiono.

7. Get in touch with your body

One way to get in touch with your intuition is to get in touch with your body. Spend time exploring how your body physically feels and what it is trying to tell you each day.

Be pay attention to signals, which it sends you about people, situations, and decisions you need to make. Trust that the information you receive is accurate and useful.

8. Pay attention to your dreams

Dreams are your subconscious' way of communicating with you. By paying attention to your dreams, you can learn a lot about yourself and what you really feel deep inside.

There are many ways to interpret your dreams, but one method is to look at people, objects and symbols in your dreams and think about what they represent in your life. You can also try keeping a dream journal to keep track of your dreams and their meaning over time.

9. Trust your first instinct

When a thought or feeling arises, don't start wondering about it. Decide on what seems natural to you, what your heart tells you. This is how you can learn to listen to your intuition in relationships and in all areas of your life.
For example, when you meet someone you get a strange feeling with it. You may not be able to explain it, but you just know that you don't want to spend time with this person. So listen to your intuition and don't avoid it. Of course, there will be times when your intuition will be wrong. But usually if you trust your first feeling, you will be right more often.


Physical signs of intuition

A feeling of pressure in the stomach or chest: When you have a strong feeling in your stomach or chest, this is often your intuition trying to send you a message. This feeling can be accompanied by a feeling of discomfort or fear. If you feel this way, pay attention to what is happening around you and see if there is anything you should be aware of.

Sudden change in heart rate: if you suddenly feel your heart racing, it could be a sign that your intuition is trying to communicate with you. This is especially true if there is no obvious reason for the rapid heartbeat.

Unpleasant feeling around certain people: If you feel uncomfortable around certain people, your intuition is probably trying to warn you about them. This feeling of discomfort can also manifest itself as a feeling of anxiety. If you have this feeling, trust it and avoid the person or situation in which you feel uncomfortable.

Feeling hyperaware: Hyperawareness is a heightened sense of intuition. When you are hyperaware, your senses are on high alert. You may feel as if you can see, hear and feel things that others cannot. This can be a big and difficult feeling, but try to trust your intuition.

A sudden burst of energy: you may feel a sudden surge of energy that manifests itself as butterflies in your stomach, a pounding heart, or even a feeling of dizziness. This is your body's way of telling you that something important is about to happen. Pay attention to this sign and always trust your intuition.

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