
Are you really hungry or is your appetite deceiving you: how to identify true hunger

Photo: Jarritos Mexican / Unsplash

Whenever you see someone enjoying ice cream, chocolate or cooking on a commercial, do you get hungry? Would you like to peek into your fridge and see what you can snack on? How to recognize real hunger?

Real hunger is not always easy to distinguish from a situation where your brain is telling you to eat because something smells so good, that is, when they are playing with you, from actual hunger.

Despite popular calorie-counting diets, some nutritionists believe it's healthiest to eat - when we're really hungry. The emphasis is on the word "really".

If you are trying to curb the accumulation of kilograms and already have problems with obesity, it is very important to know when the body really needs energy and when a certain food attracts you only by its smell or colors.


"Very often we have the feeling that our appetite is waking up, but actually the cause of this state is stress or even just boredom," explains Dr. Janice Hillman, who works on obesity in young people. He points out that hunger signals are often very individual in nature and that the same person's food needs can vary from day to day.

If you think so you don't have enough control over your food and meals, it's best to keep a journal until you figure out what your rhythm is. A small note or notes on your phone should contain information about what you ate, when, as well as what you did and how you felt at the time.


Soon you will have a list of situations, i.e. states, that are for you "trigger" that activates the feeling of hunger. Based on this, you will be able to plan the rhythm of healthy meals, as well as know when you should stop and ask yourself - are you really hungry.

The most common signs of real hunger are: feeling of an empty stomach, cramps in the intestines, headache, a feeling of slight dizziness, nervousness, tremors and weakness.

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