
Get your life in order: how to clean your home of negative energies

Get rid of the junk!

Photo: envato

Stress and negative energy are something we all want to avoid, but sometimes it's impossible. Unfortunately, we have no influence on other people and unwanted and unexpected events, but we can make sure that our home becomes an oasis of peace in which we will feel relaxed and calm. We have prepared 5 steps for you to clean your home of negative energies.

1. Get rid of unnecessary junk

Most can admit that of all the things that accumulate in their premises, indeed they don't need. And yet sometimes it's hard to get rid of clothes, which we don't wear anymore, because they remind us of beautiful moments and throw away presents, which we received with good intentions.
Stop it. The secret to a well-ordered life is tidy home and it will be difficult to achieve this in an apartment that is bursting at the seams. When you will got rid of all the things you don't need, you might even notice that you have them all of a sudden extra space, which you can edit exactly as you would like.
We suggest that the things you don't need donate to friends, relatives or you can give it to charity.

In a room that is bursting at the seams, it is difficult for us to relax Photo: Wonderlane / Pexels

2. Make sure there is an empty space

When you got rid of unnecessary things and are thinking about how to fill them a newly created space, you must not forget how very important it is to leave parts of your home empty. Not only will the void be space optically magnified, but will also bring a feeling to it relaxation, which you will absolutely need after a day filled with a wide variety of activities.
Think how much stress it brings to you knowing that there is more to come plenty of chores– the same feelings were unconsciously evoked in you by a room in which there is not a single empty corner.

3. Arrange the furniture by color

In addition to accumulated things, stress will also bring you a look at plenty of colors, located at opposite sides of the colored circle. We suggest that you make sure that the tones furniture, floor or carpet and walls with each other matched and supplemented.
If you have decided to completely renovate your space, we suggest that you opt for calmed down, pastel shades. For the most relaxing color walls, which is suitable for bedrooms, deal blue.

Color matching will bring feelings of peace to the room Photo: Jean van der Meulen / Pexels

4. Place in a visible place what means a lot to you

Those of you who love interior design can agree that beauty is often hidden in details. However, these first impression we usually don't notice. So make sure that the things that you they cheer up, on visible place– so they will lift your spirits as soon as you return to your home.
A lot of people here think of first flowers, which, of course, will immediately bring a smile to your face, but you should also not forget about presents, which you received, photographs with the closest etc.

5. Make a vision board

In the last decade, there has been a lot of talk about to the law of attraction and it is by no means without reason. People have simply noticed that if they are constantly surrounded by negative thoughts, negative attracted even in your future. Therefore, it is very important that your surroundings warm, positive and inspiring.
In addition to the premises tidy up and rearrange, we suggest that for additional effect you make vision board. You can do this in several ways, but the simplest is to put the board or fill a sheet of paper with pictures and photographs, representing yours goals and ambitions. If you keep them in sight, it will be easier for you to believe that you can achieve them. Then place the board on prominent place.

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