
Artist Steven Spazuk draws with fire!

Chimneys by Steven Spazuk

As children, we were taught that it is not wise to play with fire. Well, Steven Spazuk has obviously been sitting on his ears, as he has learned how to draw smudges, that is drawing with the help of smoke and soot left behind by a candle flame. In the last 15 years, he has perfected the so-called fumage painting technique, with which he uses flame instead of brushes and drawings for painting. Each of his works of art is unique due to the unpredictability of the flame.

For fire eaters you've heard of it, but did you know they also exist? artists who draw with fire?

He is one of those Steven Spazuk, who perfected himself in fumage painting techniques, that is in painting with smoke and soot. Instead of a brush, I drew for myself groin uses various candles, with which he achieves different effects on the canvas just as with different brush thicknesses.

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The father of the fumage painting technique is an Austrian painter Wolfgang Paalen, representative of abstract art.

Steven Spazuk's Chimneys:

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