
Get rid of these things as soon as possible - they bring negative energy

Photo: envato

The house is an oasis of peace and rest, our personal space, where we fulfill our basic needs, where we dream, experience different emotions and stay with our loved ones.

The energy in the home affects our mental health, energy and mood. That is why it is important that the energy in the home is favorable, but we must not ignore the fact that the energy of the house also depends on our internal state.

This connection between our energy and the energy at home is inseparable.

Psychologist Olga Romaniv discovered that a certain mess in the house can also indicate changes in our internal state - what you should pay attention to:

Do not wash the windows

In many beliefs, windows are associated with the eyes of the owner of the house. We observe the world around us through the window, but we also let light into our home. Dirty glass distorts reality, makes it darker and grayer. Washing the windows is the first thing you should tackle.

Doctors say that sunlight is a necessary element for good health. Lack of sunlight leads to the risk of obesity, depression, poor sleep and stress. That is why it is important to open the windows regularly to ventilate the home, as well as to clean it so that light and good energy fill our home.

Do you have a messy house? Photo: Cottonbro Studio / Pexels

Accumulated things

A pile of things piled up on a chair or on an ironing board only brings additional clutter and bad mood. Throwing things in a pile, according to a psychologist, indicates discouragement. When clutter and unnecessary things multiply, there is more dust in the home, so the risk of allergies also increases.

Bad storage method

Sometimes people use the space under the bed to store unnecessary things. Storing things under the bed, such as broken equipment or useless clothes, leads to poor sleep. It is important that, for example, you fully recover your strength on vacation, because there you usually have nothing under the bed.

Order in the house, order in the heads!

Depending on the chaos in the house, experts can even make a diagnosis - socks under the bed, things hanging on chairs, accumulated dust, scattered books and many other things will indicate chaos in a person's soul, thoughts and life in general.

Don't look at it, clean up the mess Photo: Cottonbro Studio / Pexels

Remove unused items, clothes you don't wear, wash and fold laundry... Often, when you restore order, the long-awaited peace comes.

Objects that remind you of bad times from the past

There are certainly different memories in your home, so maybe you keep some things that remind you of some negative moments or people who hurt you. These can be gifts from your ex-partner, little things that remind you of fights, bad energy, accidents...

Something that may be related to an unpleasant period in your life. Such objects can cause bad mood, anger, resentment just by looking at them.

That's why it's important to have things at home that make you happy, cheer you up, and love them.

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