
Astrologers warn: 3 qualities you must avoid if you are looking for your "forever" person

"For every beauty there is an eye that will see it. For every truth there is an ear that will hear it. For every love there is a heart that will receive it." – Ivan Panin

There are things you have to pay attention to when choosing a partner, because many features of the other person (according to their astrological sign) are not compatible with your expectations.


Lack of effort: their laziness or just their inability to make you feel important in the relationship.

Laziness: you're full of energy, you can't be with someone who doesn't have it.

Lack of motivation: you don't set goals just to have them, but to achieve them. You cannot be with someone who has no motivation to improve themselves and their life.


Uncertainty: you are stable and grounded. You don't want to spend your time constantly trying to convince someone that you love them when you've already made it very clear to them. You have no time for insecurity in relationships.

Someone who constantly needs change: you don't do well with change. You like your routine. It's what you know and where you feel comfortable.

Inauthenticity: you are a very authentic person and believe that everyone should be their authentic self. If you're with someone who you feel is just not being honest, walk away.


Indecision: as a Gemini, you are indecisive enough on your own. You can't sustain a relationship consisting of two people who can't make up their minds. One person has to take the lead somewhat.

Monitoring: you don't like to feel restricted. You want your possibilities to be free, endless. You don't want to feel trapped.

Home environment: you have a lot of energy and are a social butterfly. You want to be among people and communicate. You won't be happy in a relationship unless it's someone who is willing to go out and have an adventure.


Insensitivity: you are an emotional being. You need someone who handles these emotions gently. Someone who tries to understand them and doesn't get mad when they don't. You need to be with someone who will respond to your feelings in a kind and understanding way.

Coolness: you need a partner who is loving. Someone who isn't afraid to express how much he loves you. Cancer cannot date someone who is cold or withdrawn. It just won't work.

Disclaimer: you're a pretty traditional person, so you should date someone who has an organized life. You want to be with someone who makes you feel safe and protected, and if they are irresponsible, you will feel insecure.


They should always be in the center of attention: there is only room for one of these people in every relationship, and you are already that person. You enjoy being the center of attention, if your partner does too, your relationship will be just one big competition.

Distance: you can't be with someone who is distant because you need a lot of attention, and you're willing to admit it. You love it when your partner texts you all day and all night and you think something is wrong if they don't. You don't want to feel distance in your relationship, you want someone you can feel close to.

Commandability: you like to take the lead and sometimes give advice, even when you are not asked to. There can't be two leaders in a relationship, you'll feel frustrated and most likely defensive when they try to tell you how to do something.

A virgin

Independence: you need a partner who is more comfortable than independent. Try to accept that you are worthy of love and love your partner's reassurance. You need them to express their love constantly and consistently.

Someone who tries to rush things: it takes time to open up to someone and you will close down if you feel pressured.

Recklessness: you need a partner who not only tries to understand your feelings, but also considers other people's feelings. Someone who tends to be rude to others is not your person.


Unreasonableness: like a scale you are righteous. If you try to date someone who makes unreasonable demands or expectations, you will be completely miserable.

Aggressiveness: you avoid confrontation with people who often start arguments and disagreements, you close in on yourself in their company. You need a partner who is gentle and kind, not someone who always thinks he is right and acts like it.

Rebellion: you don't like to break the rules. You value truth and honesty and don't believe that rules are made to be broken. You need a partner who is willing to follow the rules.


Dishonesty: honesty is everything to you. You can't date someone who is faking the truth, and you certainly can't date someone who is blatantly lying.

Indifference: you are passionate and confident. You like to date people who have an opinion, even if it's different from yours. You don't want someone who doesn't care, you want someone who has a strong mindset and stands up for their beliefs.

Impatience: it takes to trust someone completely. You need a partner who understands this and who has the patience to wait for you.


Bracketing: you need your freedom and independence. You can't be with someone who needs to be in touch with you 24/7. Their constant presence suffocates you.

Someone who is truly reserved: you are adventurous and always looking for new things. You can't be with someone who wants to stay in the center of their comfort zone. You need someone who is willing to be adventurous.

Someone who cares too much about what others think: don't live your life worrying what they think of the village, live it for yourself. If the person you are with is stressed because of the opinions of others, he is not right for you.


Know everything: you can't be with someone who thinks they know it all, because honestly, you think you know it all. You can't date someone who insists they're always right because you're always right.

Stubbornness: you can't handle stubbornness. You need someone who is willing to compromise on the important things. You're not keen on giving up what you want, so you need someone who is flexible and understands that.

Distraction: you are an extremely driven and focused person. You just don't get romantically involved with people who are impractical or idealistic.


Strong emotionality: you are afraid of emotions, so you should avoid overly sensitive people. The tears completely scare you and you don't know how to react. Avoid crying.

Materialism: you cannot be with someone who is materialistic. You are an intellectual and prefer to talk about the last book you read than to continue the conversation about what is currently and.

Someone who can't keep his promises: your word means everything to you, and when someone else can't live up to theirs, it upsets you. Don't be in a relationship with someone who promises you the whole world and only gives you half.


Closure: you are very passionate about love and relationships and like to feel close to the people you date. Don't try to break the door of someone who closes in, be with someone who lets you into their heart.

Ingratitude: you have a lot of love, but you shouldn't be with someone who takes it for granted. When you're dating someone who doesn't appreciate you, love will leave you feeling drained instead of energized.

Pessimism: you believe that hope and a positive attitude can make a real difference in the world. You are a dreamer and you need someone who is willing to support you. You need a partner who believes in you.

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