
Astrological forecast for spring 2020 for all signs: time for love, spontaneity and creation!

What did this spring have in store for you?

What do the stars have in store for your astrological sign this spring? What kind of time does it bring? Will it be time for love? To achieve goals? So let's see what they say astrologers!


The beginning of spring will be turbulent, but if you approach things in the right way, everything will fall into place again. March will not be filled with flowers, as you have to deal with unexpected events. It is important to be patient, persistent and to cope with problems.


Spring will be a time for change. In some areas of your life you are not yet satisfied, now is the time to take action. You are armed with a new determination and drive to succeed. You will make the necessary progress. Don't forget yourself.

Taurus, prepare for success!
Taurus, prepare for success!


Spring will be a time of focus and rationality. You may have some practical concerns that are constantly floating in your mind. Do not worry. It's time to move on. Nothing can stop you on the way to your dreams. Wonderful surprises await you in the second half of spring.


Spring will be a time of self-love. You are tired of being stuck in a routine where nothing seems to be happening. This spring you will put yourself first and discover many interesting things.


Spring will be a carousel ride. You will be impatient because your path will be rocky, full of uncertainty, but you will still keep your head up. You won't let anything hold you back or affect you. You are strong and there is no doubt that you will be fine.

Leo, you are strong, so we know you will be fine!
Leo, you are strong, so we know you will be fine!

A virgin

Spring will be a time of awakening and self-discovery. You will energetically and enthusiastically pursue goals in all areas of your life. At the same time, you will embark on a journey of self-discovery and fall in love with the incredible person that you are.


Spring will be a time of rush, which hides and promises a reward. You have many dreams, and this spring is the right time to make them come true. The stars are on your side, don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and take a step forward. This is your time to shine.


Spring will be a time of intuition and peace. Logic and rules always rule you, now it's time to relax them a bit. When making an important decision, use your inner voice, because it is designed to guide you to where you need to go.

For Scorpio, spring will be a time of intuition and peace.
For Scorpio, spring will be a time of intuition and peace.


Spring will be a time of spontaneity and fun. Indulge in spontaneity and be open to new experiences. You will be pleasantly surprised at how well you can manifest your goals. Realize that there is beauty in uncertainty. Live fully in the present and trust that everything will be fine.


Spring will be a single success. The stars have aligned to send you lots of luck this spring. You will be ready to face all new challenges. Go ahead, do whatever you want.


Spring will be a time of overcoming your inner struggles. There won't be much sunshine and smiles for you during this period. You will have several tough challenges, but don't give up. You will have the support of your loved ones, and with their support everything will be possible.

Aquarians, you will have difficult challenges ahead of you, but you will overcome them with the help of your loved ones.
Aquarians, you will have difficult challenges ahead of you, but you will overcome them with the help of your loved ones.


Spring will be the time for your creation. You have many projects in mind, personal or work. Your biggest challenge is believing you can do it. This spring is a great opportunity to work hard for your goals and trust yourself that you will succeed.

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