What will Tinder be to you if you have Snapchat. Watch the love story of University of Wisconsin-Madison students who were accidentally brought together by the world's fastest growing social network. Get the tissues ready, you'll need them. Is this the greatest online love story of all time?
JoinedJune 4, 2014
Sometimes I walk around the keyboard, sometimes in nature. One time I twist the heels, the other time the kitchen. I press the trigger once, the pedals a second time. And one time I play the role of a moviegoer, another time a nanny. Life offers such a wide range of things that it would be pointless to dip your brush in just a color or two, right?
The Slovenian youth film Nika, directed by Slobodan Maksimović, will have its world premiere at the International Children's and Youth Film Festival in Zlin, which will take place from May 27 to June 3, 2016, and the action film, which deals with the theme of karting, is coming to Slovenia in October 2016.
Slovenian motocrosser Tim Gajser is stringing success after success, step by step. He succeeds in this with such ease that he can afford to fall or make an attractive move during the race. One is absolutely stunning and belongs more to the X Games than qualifying for the MXGP World Championship race. Gajser published it on his Facebook profile, and the stake is with the qualifications in Germany (Teutschenthal), where he ended up in second place. Ladies and gentlemen, Tim Gajser, Stephen Curry of motocross.
With more and more drones in the air, questions about the safety of these devices arise. A good example is the drone that almost fell on the head of skier Marcel Hirscher and opened many questions related to safety. All this would not have happened if the drone had "on its back" SafeAir, a parachute made especially for drones. This SafeAir Pyrotechnic Parachute Recovery Solution (or SafeAir for short) is cheap insurance for when a drone fails in the air. If until now in this case we could only pray that he would not be injured in the fall, now this concern is unnecessary.
The Simpsons is the longest-running cartoon television series. But let's say something that Wikipedia doesn't mention. Did you know that the Simpsons predicted a bunch of innovations in their episodes that later turned out to be true? Check out 10 innovations that The Simpsons got right.
See photos of animals before and after bathing that will make you burst out laughing. Bathing animals, especially dogs and cats, is a part of animal care that many pets, like Gizmo from Gremlin, fear because they are sure that something terrible will happen to them during bathing. Well, nothing bad happens, on the contrary, the animals become even cuter and sometimes almost unrecognizable. We have proof!
Captain America reflects the values of Americans. Even though it's a Marvel comic book hero, it's like Coca-Cola. An American export item that showcases to the world the American mentality and the omnipotence of a nation that swears by heroes. Captain America is a patriot, and although it seems inappropriate for a modern film - after all, it already has a name in such a way that it seems completely useless outside of America - it is extremely popular. But what if Captain America was Captain Europe and had the character traits of individual European nations? Would I still be as successful?
UFO is a futuristic swing by the Italian design group It Oneoff. The name comes from the acronym for Unidentified Flying Object, and in this case it means Unidentified Furniture Object. It is a swing that swings, rotates around its axis and overturns, and its other special feature is that it only touches the ground at one point.
How to enlarge breasts without surgery? Luscious breasts are every woman's wet dream, as breasts are a symbol of femininity. But they are not given to everyone. That's right, it's not just bigger breasts that are beautiful, but to be honest, bigger breasts attract the attention of not only men but also women. With bigger breasts, the cleavage is nicer, dresses fit better, and what else could be found. We can reach them in several ways. When we talk about lushness, the first thing we naturally think of is cosmetic surgery. But you don't need to make an appointment with a cosmetic surgeon for an increase, you don't need to change your diet, train your pectoral muscles, etc., all you need is makeup and instructions from makeup artist Natalie Boucher!
A Mercedes meeting or a luxurious wedding in Chechnya? If you chose answer number two, which is a lavish wedding in Chechnya, then your answer is correct. Many high-ranking guests came to the wedding of the president's nephew, so the "centipede" of 70 Mercedes that followed the Bentleys is no surprise, even though we are talking about Chechnya, where most of the inhabitants barely make it from month to month. Well, not the president and his relatives and friends.
You only need to do one thing to keep your apartment tidy. Everyone who is obsessed with order and cleanliness adheres to this like a drunkard. And that is …
Did you know that there are many questions that science cannot yet answer? Hold on. Science has solved many riddles, but it has not cracked all the nuts yet. One such question that still perplexes him is whether God exists. Science also cannot (yet) explain why we dream and what the universe is made of. Or what happens after we die. These are just a few of the 10 questions that science still cannot answer.