With 'before and after' photos, we show in a beautiful way how things have changed over time. This is the only way we usually really notice the magnitude of changes, be they positive or negative. In the following, we have selected a bunch of funny 'before and after' photos that perfectly summarize everyday situations and things that have happened to us in our lives. Laughter guaranteed!
JoinedJune 4, 2014
Sometimes I walk around the keyboard, sometimes in nature. One time I twist the heels, the other time the kitchen. I press the trigger once, the pedals a second time. And one time I play the role of a moviegoer, another time a nanny. Life offers such a wide range of things that it would be pointless to dip your brush in just a color or two, right?
A velomobile is a foot-powered vehicle. It is an auto bike, fully enclosed and therefore usable in almost all weather conditions. In recent years, this type of transport has become more and more popular, as the force is practical. Some velomobiles can carry even two people, others have a built-in electric motor. In the following, we present to you some models that we can already meet on the street and that do not come from domestic garages.
Ligeira is an unusual geometric chair that grew on the lawn of the young industrial designer Ricardo Carneiro, who also has ties to Slovenia. The pretentious chair, which resembles a geometric figure and is a real work of art, is made only of a metal skeleton, but is nevertheless completely useful and also comfortable.
Have you ever wanted to walk on the moon? Feel what it means to walk in weightless space? 20:16 MoonWalker is a very special but commercial sneaker that makes you feel like walking on the moon. They achieve this with the help of powerful N45 magnets integrated into the sole, which bounce back, creating the feeling of walking on the Earth's natural satellite, while in reality gravity on Earth continues to do its work.
ODO are cotton jeans (women's and men's cut) that do not need to be washed, as they clean themselves and promise a laundry-free future! Did you know that to wash just one pair of jeans, we use as many as 7,200 glasses of water a year (a person drinks about 1,420 for thirst)? Smart textiles are therefore a necessity for a more sustainable future! ODO are actually the first self-cleaning jeans. And not only that! In addition to being stain resistant, they never stink! What is their secret?
Do you know the easiest way to clean a microwave oven? A microwave is used by many people every day, so it is expected to be quite dirty. Many people put off cleaning because they think it's a complicated process, but the truth is far from that! To make it look like new and not to be horrified every time you open the door, you just need to know a simple trick to clean the microwave without any strain!
Virtual laser keyboards are nothing new, but a smartphone case with an integrated virtual laser keyboard is. Meet the ViKC smart cover, which allows you to write long messages even on your smartphone. How many times have you stopped writing an e-mail or some other note on your smartphone because it was too long? ViKC completely eliminates the need to carry a laptop with you for such cases.
Hungarian Demeter Fogarasi, who signs chairs made of "frozen" fabric, draws inspiration for his furniture collection Poetic Furniture - Frozen Textile, as the name suggests, from poetry. The unique chairs are made of biodegradable plastic and natural fabrics. The result is absolutely fascinating, as it seems as if the fabric has simply frozen.
The surreal scenes you will witness below did not originate in the wonderful world of Photoshop, as you might think. Their author, Charlie Davoli, created all the photos on his smartphone (iPhone, to be precise), and he only used mobile applications to add surreal elements to otherwise realistic scenes, or to combine two worlds.
18-year-old Angela Clayton is a self-made seamstress who sews dresses like from Disney fairy tales! A young costume designer from New York sewed her first outfit three years ago when she was drawn to cosplay conventions. Until today, the love for them has cooled down a bit, but in the meantime, the love for sewing and creating dresses with an original design flared up. Her works take up to 250 hours, and once Clayton used as much as 11 meters of fabric for the creation!
Hypnos Hoodie is a hoodie with an inflatable hood that becomes a pillow for sleeping or resting. It is comfortable, fashionable, practical and created for those who are on the road a lot, who drive a lot and far and for everyone who likes to use every opportunity to rest. When the hood is inflated, it becomes an ergonomic pillow on which to rest your head, so that you can rest comfortably and with quality anywhere and anytime on the road.
No-Bake Nutella Cheesecake Recipe is your new favorite and one you'll be thanking us for for the next ten years! The preparation of the sinful dessert is simple and does not involve baking, and after it the gods would lick their fingers.