In our intense pursuit of perfection, we often harm ourselves. The pursuit of perfectionism takes place not only in the field of human appearance, but also in everything else. If you were to compare the fruit and vegetable shelves today and fifty years ago, the difference would be obvious. Perfect colors and shapes, in short perfect form, but zero content. Did you know that a banana with black spots, i.e. slightly overripe and "ugly", secretes TNF (Tumor Necrosis Factor), a substance that destroys tumor cells?
JoinedJune 4, 2014
Sometimes I walk around the keyboard, sometimes in nature. One time I twist the heels, the other time the kitchen. I press the trigger once, the pedals a second time. And one time I play the role of a moviegoer, another time a nanny. Life offers such a wide range of things that it would be pointless to dip your brush in just a color or two, right?
The action in the field of smartphones is as lively as the Ljubljana market on a Saturday morning. But it is also lively under the "anthill". There is a lot of traffic there, especially in the area of applications, which has further drawn them into our lives. They have become an important tool in our everyday life and help us with shopping, among other things. Let's see which ones are the most "diligent" in this?
For James Bond, agent 007, it is said that he cannot do without beautiful girls and spy toys. And for the sake of the former, he often needs the latter. Or vice versa, when he seduces with super gadgets. All these devices, more toys for him, are always ahead of their time and have become an indispensable part of the franchise. Unusual inventions of Mr. The Qs that rescue Bond from hopeless situations are always also some kind of insight into the future and, like the Martini, Bond's signature.
The seventh art, i.e. movies, is steeped in legends, magic and dark forces, and the fight between good and evil is its magic formula. Therefore, the Seventh Son continues where Harry Potter and The Lord of the Rings left us, in a magical world where, in addition to swords, spears, spells, etc., morality and allegory abound. The fight between humans and witches is still alive.
If you travel a lot, you've probably gotten lost at the airport. Except for lost luggage, there is probably nothing worse than when it turns into a maze, and you already hear the last boarding call over the loudspeaker. The solution? AILO, also the product of Slovenian know-how, is an "internal" GPS that uses wi-fi, bluetooth, gyroscope and other sources to provide you with the exact location, direction, estimated time to arrival at the boarding point and points of interest via iOS or Google Maps ( kiosk, toilet, etc.).
Although an elephant is a giant animal, anyone would give it little chance when 14 lions choose it as a meal, especially if we add that this elephant is actually a baby elephant, i.e. a cub. However, difficult situations give birth to heroes, and the story (read the video) of the baby elephant reads like the story of David and Goliath, except that there is a bigger David.
Graffiti is too often equated with vandalism, because graffiti art is actually an art that is purposefully placed in a space. But like elsewhere, this is also used for bad purposes, for discrediting, for destroying property, etc. And since the media emphasize this side more than the artistic side, public opinion is what it is. But it must be admitted, even if graffiti is not a work of art, it can be a fun urban addition in the form of vandalism.
Two animations for the price of one. Both, which were taken as their own by both viewers and critics around the world. Both with a Slovenian touch. One through dubbing, the other entirely the result of domestic production. We are talking about The Boxers (from Laika-Carolina, ParaNorman) and Koyaa Roža, a prequel that is returning from a tour of more than 25 international short film festivals. If that doesn't make you interested in going to the movies, then we don't know what will.
16 years after Bruce Willis and company managed to land on the comet in the movie Armageddon, the European Space Agency (ESA) succeeded in a similar way with the Philea module, which needed the stunt skills of the boys from the Fast and the Furious movies - the comet is traveling 65 thousand km /h. Philae, which after a decade flew out of its nest, the Rosetta craft, put its athletic skills to good use on November 12 shortly after 5 p.m. and hitched a ride on comet 67P/Churyumov – Gerasimenko.
Years ago, the sounds produced by our mobile phones were like in the beginnings of e-mails. Today? Most of them are audio spam. Today, our smartphone advertises for every fig, which in turn affects social interaction, because the firbec always defeats us. With so many apps and programs, it's hard to silence everything at once, and turning off your phone or ignoring it isn't an option. What are we left with? The Shhhh app.
If anything, we associate luxurious vessels with luxury. And although most of us have ownership over them only in our dreams, it is not forbidden to dream, is it? But mega-yachts, which ordinary mortals come closest to in a waking state in marinas, have their buyers, otherwise the offer would not be so flourishing. Let's see what the spring of the future has to offer and what will one day cause waves and waves of excitement.
Raw nature and luxury are not exactly a common pair. But if we have glamping, why not have this mix in motoring as well. Most SUVs are robust in appearance, but you will rarely ever see them turn off the asphalt instead of into the executive parking space. When they need to show strength, they are those on anabolic steroids and not real musclemen. Well, the new Range Rover, created in collaboration with Jaguar and the arms company Holland & Holland, is the best of both worlds.