If you want to win his heart, it would be good to know what is the key to take your relationship to the next level.
JoinedMay 10, 2016
Animals, design and sports repaint Enja's world every day with colors she didn't even know existed before. Torn between two passions, psychology and interior design, she tries to collect the most interesting, unusual and authentic from both worlds, material and mental.
If you're still not tired of experimenting with the flavors of this drink, try the gin and tonic tea, which would delight you.
"Butterflies in the stomach" are today considered a classic symptom of infatuation and love. However, many in long-term relationships are very disappointed when these butterflies disappear.
All signs have their strengths and weaknesses, as well as some distinct insecurities.
The velvet manicure is the latest nail trend to hit social media. All those of you who like something different will be delighted. Don't confuse this latest trend with the one a few years ago that involved gluing velvet threads to your nails.
The most important thing for Aries is to adopt an optimistic attitude, and Aquarians will finally put themselves first!
People enter our lives, often very suddenly, and leave it just as suddenly. Some of us are very sorry because we thought there wouldn't be a day when we didn't hang out. However, this is not the end of the world. They are no longer a part of your life and you should look at that as a good thing. If it was worth it, it would last. As we get older, we let fewer and fewer people into our lives. Why is that perfectly fine?
Some things are powerful aphrodisiacs.
You can also find something good in being late - science says that you are a more successful person.
Let's be honest: emotions are an integral part of any relationship. The key factor, however, is controlling the expression and use of strong emotions. Quite a few relationships start out with passion and intense emotions, but this can turn into an emotionally abusive relationship.
The first thing we teach our children are the rules of good behavior. We insist that they always say "please" and "thank you" and be nice to everyone. Unfortunately, adults sometimes forget to follow these rules, so in the following lines we will remind you of the 5 things you need to keep in mind to be kind.
People cheat for a variety of reasons, sometimes the problem lies with the individual and sometimes with their partner.