
Women will suffer a lot: 5 signs that you are in a toxic relationship that you need to get out of as soon as possible!

Let's be honest: emotions are an integral part of any relationship. The key factor, however, is controlling the expression and use of strong emotions. Quite a few relationships start out with passion and intense emotions, but this can turn into an emotionally abusive relationship.

The following five signs are key warning signs of such a relationship!

Walk like "on eggs"

You are very careful not to upset your partner and not to provoke negative emotional reactions. Living in an abusive relationship means that you never know what could be causing the emotional tension in the relationship, no matter how trivial it may seem.

Your partner can express emotions (and test you), but you can't

Emotionally abusive relationships are not balanced. Your partner may vocalize their negative opinions and criticisms that apply to you, but when you express negative emotions, even the mildest, you become the object of criticism or, worse, emotional contempt, disgust, and ignoring.

Your partner doesn't trust you (or your feelings)

Often, emotionally abusive individuals have a low level of self-esteem, which leads to a lack of trust in their partner and also to the belief that the expression of dissatisfaction on your part was created with the intention of hurting him. Any expression of emotion on your part escalates into his counterattack.

Your partner can express emotions (and test you), but you can't.

You can't talk about the problems you are facing in the relationship

An emotionally abusive person sees an attack in every cover, and you avoid talking about problems in order to maintain a calm and stable emotional environment.

You constantly feel confused and trapped

Being a victim of an emotionally abusive relationship can have a very negative effect on you, leaving you feeling emotionally confused and trapped.

An emotionally abusive partner can use emotional "traps" to keep you in the relationship ("I need you to help me!", "You can't leave me alone!"). Often, as a victim, you feel powerless to do anything to change the situation.

What to do?

There are only two options. One option is to choose professional help and counseling, both together and individually.

Another is to end such a relationship (which is much better).

No one should suffer emotional, psychological or physical violence.


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