Xiaomi-led Poco has launched two smartphones, the X4 Pro 5G and the M4 Pro, at the Mobile World Congress (MWC) 2022 in Barcelona. Both impress with exceptional high-end specifications – and at prices typically found in the mid-range.
PositionExecutive Editor
JoinedJuly 26, 2013
Jan Macarol is the responsible editor of the printed and online editions of City Magazine Slovenia. Together with his two assistants, he strives to offer readers the most unique and fresh information about urban culture, technological innovations, fashion and everything an urban nomad needs to survive in a fast-paced world.
The ultimate survival vehicle?! Then look no further! FLoridxi vehicle builder Apocalypse has prepared a monster!
Today I will try to prove that the Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra is the most multifunctional phone in the world. The mission is not difficult, because Samsung gives the phones to which it gives the word Ultra all the functions and features that are possible today in smartphones. The word Ultra today means the same as the word Note used to mean. Let's see!
Already today, car manufacturers pay penalties for classic cars that release too much into the air. But this will become even more difficult with the upcoming Euro 7 standard. Some analysts are already predicting the end of completely classic cars with an internal combustion engine by 2025.
Social media accounts hold some of our most precious digital memories and help us stay in touch with our loved ones. You could say that they are our "digital home" of sorts. Facebook and other online services offer security features that help protect your accounts and community and are easy to use.
The price of 3,700 will seem high even to the biggest audiophiles, because the product with the unpleasant code NW-WM1ZM2 does not perform as charismatically as befits the Walkman brand, which marked the history of music playback. Ah, let's take a closer look.
Insanely cheap SONY brand products that you can buy from the biggest retailer these days at amazing prices.
The presentation of the new Samsung smartphones of the S series is one of the most high-profile events every year. Namely, Samsung always shows a phone that all manufacturers want to surpass in the current year, but it is difficult for them to do so. It will be the same this year, because Samsung did everything right. He created a winning trio of great Android phones - the S family.
Are you a fan of the Squid Game series?! We found costumes for all the main characters from the Squid Game series. See where to buy a Squid Game costume!
It is a misconception that charging times for electric vehicles are long. This belief holds many potential buyers back from purchasing an electric vehicle. However, the average charging time of an electric car at fast charging stations is already less than 20 minutes today.
Did you notice? Is the Big Mac different? McDonald's has refreshed its most recognizable burgers. By improving the preparation procedures, they achieved that the legendary Big Mac, McChicken, Double Cheeseburger and others are now even tastier, juicier, softer... Although the basics of the recipe have not changed, as many as 80 % guests noticed the difference.
In the world of extremely powerful SUVs, a new competitor has appeared - the Aston Martin DBX. this already offers as much as 542 horsepower with the basic standard version. But this is just the beginning! There is also a version labeled DBX707.