Best Action Cameras 2017 – We've included the Garmin Virb Ultra 30 in our list of the best action cameras of 2017.
PositionExecutive Editor
JoinedJuly 26, 2013
Jan Macarol is the responsible editor of the printed and online editions of City Magazine Slovenia. Together with his two assistants, he strives to offer readers the most unique and fresh information about urban culture, technological innovations, fashion and everything an urban nomad needs to survive in a fast-paced world.
Do you like retro-modern style? You are adventurous at heart and love a different kind of vacation. Then this caravan and its modularity is what you've always been looking for.
Best Action Cameras 2017 – We've included the Olfi one.five in our list of the best action cameras of 2017.
The most luxurious Shiki-Shima train comes from the land of the rising sun – Japan. It was designed by Ferrari designer Ken Okuyama, the first non-Italian to ever design for the brand. This also makes it a real piece of art on rails. And officially the most luxurious form of transportation in the world. A few days ago, it did its christening ride and the first passengers were impressed.
For nautical connoisseurs, the BAGLIETTO 46M FAST YACHT is the concept of modern design of such vessels. The Baglietto company, which has been manufacturing modern vessels for the past 160 years, combines tradition with extremely modern approaches.
Virtually every car manufacturer is thinking about the electric drive today. And that is also why it seems logical that a manufacturer that specializes only in the production of electric-powered pick-up vehicles appears. Let's welcome a new car brand - Workhorse.
Think how much things in the world have changed in the last 10 years. How fast technological development is and how much we are changing as a society. Now think of a school and ask yourself what that school is like today and you will get the answer: no different from the school you attended 30, 40, 50, 60 years ago... 100 years.
Best Action Cameras 2017 – We have included the Veho Muvi K-Series K2 NPNG in our list of the best action cameras of 2017.
There are always those moments in the day when true coffee drinkers want great coffee, and there is no nearby favorite cafe where we can quickly sip our espresso. For lovers of such pleasures, Mokase has prepared a smartphone case that solves this problem.
The Dark Tower is the story of Stephen King, one of the most famous authors, which has finally seen its portrayal on the movie screen. The film stars excellent actors such as Idris Elba as Roland Deschain and Matthew McConaughey as the Man in Black. An epic struggle for the future of all dimensions of the universe.
Elbow is proof that industrial design can do wonders even in times when we want to pack everything into little black boxes.
Best Action Cameras 2017 - We've included the Olympus TG-Tracker in our list of the best action cameras of 2017.