Bread is one of the most basic culinary products. So simple, so basic, romantic and magical at the same time. Around the story of the magic of bread, a trend of designer bakeries is emerging in design waters. These installations of excellent design adapt to the product. The ambience always reflects the culture and statement of the "baker". About your product, about the magic, about the story behind the product.
PositionExecutive Editor
JoinedJuly 26, 2013
Jan Macarol is the responsible editor of the printed and online editions of City Magazine Slovenia. Together with his two assistants, he strives to offer readers the most unique and fresh information about urban culture, technological innovations, fashion and everything an urban nomad needs to survive in a fast-paced world.
Recently published photos of prototypes and product concepts from the 80s of the last century suggest that Apple has been dreaming about certain devices for quite some time, and then realized them. Among the concepts of that time, we can find phones, tablets and devices for which we still don't have a name today. The collection of images presents an extremely interesting insight into the history of this company, which has always placed great emphasis on the design and functionality of its products.
Dom Dwight embarks on a journey around the world on a mission to find the perfect coffee beans, the perfect water, and the most "holy" milk. All with the aim of creating the most perfect cup of coffee.
Pornhub is the biggest porn site in the world, which until now has not paid much attention to its marketing. Nevertheless, the management of the online portal decided to try this type of media for the first time in history with classic methods of advertising.
Are you interested in the reactions of children when you put a computer from the distant year 1983 in front of them and put them in front of some simple "computer" tasks. For example, to turn on the computer or do a simple calculation?
Google has been building self-driving cars for years. There is absolutely nothing new or revolutionary in this. What is revolutionary is that this time Google presents its model of the vehicle of the future. So far, he has always used vehicles that have been modified with their technology for testing. The Google car has no steering wheel, no brakes, no gas pedal. Check out why in the video?!
Cristiano Ronaldo's season in the Champions League this year was simply fantastic. 17 goals and an exceptional number of assists put him at the very top of the list. In a short video clip, we can see all 17 of Ronaldo's goals in this year's exceptional season in this competition.
The music is beautiful! Do you agree? In the editorial office of City Magazine, we try to bring together different authors and performers. The purpose of this music playlist is to move away from the mainstream into the sub_substream, which is so much more interesting and diverse. We try to publish news weekly, so follow us actively through our social channels! This time we present the first five interesting groups or performers; Frida Sundemo, Matthew Mole, Little Dragon, Holy Holy & Broods
Leo Messi, who inspires football fans around the world, has also proven himself as a master actor, appearing in adidas' official advertisement for the FIFA World Cup Brazil 2014. The video was signed by the biggest stars from all fields; soccer player Leo Messi, Brazilian director Fernando Meirelles and American rapper Kanye West.
Novak Djokovic used the stoppage of the match due to rain to relax and entertain the spectators in the stands and in front of the television screens with a cute insert and a friendly debate with the ball collector.
The sensitive Shakira, who always cooks that football song by which we remember the World Cup, did not leave us indebted this time either. An excellent video spot in which football stars, rhythm, feeling and smell of Brazil are discussed. This is the song we've been waiting for and by which we will remember the World Cup in Brazil.
Scientists have found that laziness is strongly linked to the gene for activity, thus proving that laziness is not a personality disorder but a genetic one. We are lazy because we are simply genetically inclined to it!