Compatibility between partners can be quite a tricky thing. While it's ideal to have as many things in common as possible with your partner, on the other hand, you don't want to be too similar, as that can be boring and even problematic.
JoinedJune 4, 2014
Katja is a world traveler who is outside of Slovenia more often than at home. She is a lover of beauty, an esthete and a provocateur. In the editorial office of City Magazine, he covers a wide variety of topics and is not afraid of more serious texts.
What a vacation in the old town of Rovinj looks like, where charming historical architecture meets the needs and demands of modern guests, can be best experienced at the Hotel Spirito Santo Palazzo Storico, which was opened by the Bidovec couple in 2017. To this day, it has become a popular destination for luxury a break from a busy and stressful life.
Embodying a timeless design with its distinctive silhouette, the iconic Stan Smith sneaker has remained unchanged for over half a century - until today, when adidas Originals presents the Stan Smith Forever model. The new generation of adidas sports shoes is the foundation on the way to end the accumulation of plastic waste.
When you're in a relationship, the last thing you want to do is probably cheat on the person you love—or worse, have them cheat on you. Despite our negative attitude towards cheating, the latter is unfortunately a common occurrence in relationships.
With the arrival of spring and warmer weather, our thoughts quickly run away to the sea, to travel, to summer... If you are looking for a location where you can spend a relaxing vacation, why not go to the island of Krk and the camp Omišalj this spring or summer?
How to properly boil an egg? It seems like an easy task (who doesn't know how to boil an egg!), but if we add the task of not cracking the eggshell, many people will fail the exam. It happens to many people that their eggshells crack during cooking, which is especially a problem during the Easter holidays, when eggs are boiled with the intention of making them into pancakes. That's why we offer you a method to prevent your eggshell from cracking while cooking! Proven to work!
Longer days, brighter moods. Experts advise how to make the most of summer time, especially when we feel the effects of the pandemic year and the excess stress that it brought with it.
Even those who do not celebrate Easter love some old and picturesque customs, of which the coloring of Easter cakes undoubtedly belongs. Everyone has their own taste, what kind of pirhi or Easter eggs, as they are also called, they like best. This time we present you a simple technique of coloring with rice that conjures up a real fairy tale.
One of the most common questions asked by both women and men is, "When is the right time to officially become boyfriend and girlfriend?"
Relationships can be dangerous. It is surprisingly easy for the ground to sink under our feet when we are (still) blindfolded on the road of a shared life. And relationships that go too fast will just as quickly go off track.
What is the "Covid Brain"?
More and more sunny (and warmer) days have encouraged us to take a look at the most beautiful Birkenstock flip-flops for spring/summer 2021 and what innovations the popular brand has in store for us this time!