Bad winter weather and snowy slush did not prevent us from visiting the opening exhibition Transformation of the Association of Young Designers and Artists (DOUM) on Thursday. We let ourselves be charmed by the fine products and photographs and chatted in a very pleasant and creative atmosphere.
JoinedJanuary 13, 2014
Tina loves everything beautiful and inspiring. What invigorates and liberates. What perfects and keeps alive. It is constantly in motion. Researches, photographs, records, creates, learns, reads, listens, writes. He enjoys it. And if she is accompanied by music, movies and undiscovered trifles, her heart is in the right place.
Let us be enchanted by Spanish rhythms and treat ourselves to a flamenco evening. Compañia Tercio Flamenco comes to SiTi Teater from Madrid with the performance La Rosa de Penal.
Lovers of photography and those who constantly have their camera close at hand, the sight of cute and extremely chic camera straps and photo bags will immediately make their eyes sparkle.
Few of us who grew up in the unforgettable 1990s do not remember the famous yo-yo toys, yin and yang pendants, Tamagotchi, floppy disks and the rest of the things that are now only a nostalgic memory with which Microsoft advertises the revamped Internet Explorer browser?
Glitter doesn't have to be relevant only on New Year's Eve. This time we will be able to celebrate with them on Prešeren's Day, when Zmelkoow will play golden hits in the Orto bar, and the stage and dance floor will be warmed up by the loud Radio Zoo.
Ellie is gentle, but she burns like hell. She is charming but sassy. With a voice that is a real balm for the ears and an unbeatable figure, he is coming to Vienna in February.
Let's imagine wide and pastel fields rushing past us. We travel by train, breathe calmly and observe the passing outlines of the landscape, while music plays in the background, outlining large objects from afar. Then we realize that we are sitting in the Cankarjev dom club, and Igor Matković is playing on stage across from us.
It is extremely gratifying when creative young creators come together and the results of their artistic endeavors are presented to a wider audience, who sometimes just grab scissors and paper and make something beautiful. We will be able to see how much imagination the new Association of Young Designers and Artists (DOUM) has at their opening party.
We all want to go across the border at some point, either to study or to earn a living. It sounds simple, but it's not like that and we quickly have endless questions in our heads, what does it mean to leave, how will we live, will it get better, will it get worse, and so on. Perhaps for a start, before we dive into further considerations, let's take a look at the interesting theater and music project Let's all go! directed by Maret Bulc.
It's not a real winter without a new dose of laughter, which the winter edition of the Panč Festival brings to Shrove Tuesday.
The force of the pleasant melody comes from the fingers of the young Etherwood, who is coming to the Ljubljana underground with a fresh album.
The year of cinema in Kinodvor continues the celebration of its 90th anniversary with interesting film events, which is not the only round number in the world of cinema. The Staragara production house is celebrating its first decade, and the oldest international film festival in the world - the Venice Festival - is celebrating its seventieth edition, both of which will be marked with a very special event at the Ljubljana City Cinema.