Unfortunately, the phase of falling in love does not last forever, sooner or later various problems arise in the relationship that you did not expect. Is a relationship break the right solution?
JoinedDecember 21, 2019
I look for something positive in everything and everyone, because everything is not just black and white, there are many rainbow shades in between. I write, take photos, travel - I enjoy life in my own way.
No baking, just fillings and cookies. Guaranteed to always work! A refreshing apple cake with two cream fillings will make you absolutely crazy.
In the modern world, where everything happens at an incredibly fast pace, we are constantly walking on the edge of failure, trying to realize our dreams while maintaining our sanity and stability so that we don't burn out.
Astrology confirms that opposites attract, and these couples are characterized by strong chemistry, but also strong conflicts.
If you have a sweet tooth, we have great news for you, you can eat them even while on a diet! Fresh cake, no baking, no flour and no sugar!
Is a financially favorable time smiling at you in July? Are you dreaming of a vacation but don't know if it will be financially feasible? When we think about money, we have endless questions, don't we?
Sleeping puffiness can last all day and make you look tired, dehydrated, older - so it's something you definitely want to avoid.
July is the month of disconnection, holidays, heat. Will you be especially lucky these days? Check if you are among these signs!
People who were once good friends can grow distant and alienate each other. How to recognize that a friendship has ended and why you should end such a relationship as soon as possible.
Over the years, the wisdom of acceptance becomes the most important task of each of us. The more successful you are at acceptance, the more fulfilled and satisfied you are with your life.
Coconut, strawberries and cocoa - there is no better combination for a roulade. Not only does it taste fantastic, but it is also very easy to prepare.
What is the easiest way to get over it and turn over a new leaf!? A breakup is one of the most traumatic experiences and that's when we make the most mistakes.