
Autonomous water taxis on demand: this is the future of transport in Helsinki!

Captain? Where? New autonomous water taxis are changing the way we move around the city.

Avtonomni vodni taksiji na zahtevo
Photo: Callboats

Autonomous water taxis? Have you ever dreamed of getting around the city without traffic jams, in style and without a driver? Well, Helsinki has just taken a big step in that direction. Imagine going to dinner with friends on the other side of town and instead of waiting for a bus or looking for a parking spot, order an autonomous water taxi. Sound like science fiction? In Helsinki, this is now a reality.

Helsinki introduces autonomous water taxis, which promise a revolution in urban transport. Are you ready to ride without a captain?

water taxis have long been a part of Helsinki's cityscape, but the new Callboats Forum Virium project has brought something we haven't seen before - a fully autonomous water taxi. Yes, you heard that right, taxis without a captain!

Photo: Callboats
With a bit of humor, we could say that captains have become a "passing fashion" and that autonomous taxis are the new "must-have" for every fashion-conscious city. Ironically, in a city where water is such an important part of life, there is now no need for human touch when crossing a river.

The leading man of Callboats, Peter Ostberg, revealed in an exclusive interview with our media that the main reason for establishing Callboats is to reduce emissions. “Why did we start Callboats? Well, a passenger boat often runs 1,000 hours a year, while a leisure boat only runs 50 hours. So, if we joke a little, the effect of electrification is like 20 times the coffee for your car!”

The company has operated two models so far, and the third is already on the way. The CAT 6 was their first attempt, an autonomous water taxi that can accommodate up to six people. And you won't believe it, the entire roof is covered with solar panels! It's like wearing a hat that charges your phone. This particular model began commercial operation in Helsinki in 2020 and, according to Callboats, carried 7,000 people over two summer months. And guess what? They had a captain on board who was there more for company than anything else.

Photo: Callboats
In addition to the CAT 6, it was followed by its bigger brother, the CAT 10. The larger version of the catamaran can accommodate between 12 and 20 passengers at a time with its ferry style. And if you're wondering, how fast does it move? Up to 6 knots! Its roof with solar panels can power the watercraft for up to nine hours. It's like watching three consecutive episodes of your favorite series without charging! And there's something else on the way – a revamped version of the CAT 10. It's called the CAT 10 L, which can hold up to 30 passengers and run longer between charges. It's like a CAT 10 but with more seats and more battery!

But it's not just about style or novelty. Autonomous water taxis they promise faster, more efficient and more environmentally friendly transport. Imagine avoiding traffic jams, relaxing with a view of the city, and arriving at your destination refreshed and ready for new adventures.

Photo: Callboats
Finally, a bit of fun: next time you're in Helsinki, why not try ordering a water taxi and ask if you can meet the captain? You might be surprised by the answer!

Helsinki has once again set the standard for urban transport innovation. With autonomous water taxis, the city has shown that it is ready to embrace the future and shape it in its own way. Are you ready to ride the wave?

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