
Pekarna Brot: a new family bakery in Ljubljana

From the corner for drinking coffee, you can watch the creation of master bakers Photo: Pekarna Brot

When we rush to run errands on cold days, we always need a quick and delicious snack, which is why many people are happy to stop at a bakery. And residents of Ljubljana and visitors to our capital can rejoice, as the new Brot bakery has opened, offering many delicious options that will satisfy even the most demanding sweet tooth.

Bakery Brot is a new family bakery located 11 Poljanski cèsti and offers carefully prepared delicacies. You can treat yourself in it yeast bread, traditional French croissants and quiche. All products are made by hand every day by master bakers, who use only natural ingredients.

Photo: Bakery Brot

Brot bakery's current offer includes four types yeast bread: white, half white, rye and Borodino bread with coriander seeds, which is otherwise a real Russian classic. The bakery also offers a selection for everyone who stops by for a snack: quiche in three different versions: z salmon, chicken and vegetables.

You can treat yourself to breakfast or a snack croissant, made according to a classic French recipe: hand-rolled and with a lot of high-quality butter. You can choose between buttery croissants, croissants with almonds, apricot jam, handmade vanilla cream from natural vanilla extract and chocolate croissant. The youngest can treat themselves with Caramel: a croissant that can be eaten with a spoon.

Photo: Brot

You can also stop by the bakery for quality Italian coffee or tea, as it also has a corner with tables. From there, you can watch the creation of delicacies from the hands of skilled bakers and chat with your loved ones. Children and four-legged friends are also welcome.

The bakery is open every working day from 8. to 5 p.m.

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