
Baking desserts is as good for our mental health as meditation

We all know the joys and pleasures that come with a good cake or dessert. This is not the only thing about the dessert that has a beneficial effect on us. If you've paid little attention to dessert bakers, that's about to change. According to scientists, baking desserts has the same beneficial effect on our mental health as meditation.

Measuring, mixing, kneading..., all efforts to prepare a dessert have to our mental state a much greater impact than simply buying a dessert or other goodies from a bakery.
According to opinion several psychologists baking can work for us as well as meditation works for yogis. And the reason for this is quite simple. When we meditate, we take a moment in silence when we think and focus, what us relieve all stress, and such a process also occurs in baking.

Baking is like meditation.
Baking is like meditation.

Donna Pincus, associate professor of psychological and brain sciences, explained that baking requires a lot of attention from the brain. Namely, we have to measure and focus on, for example, rolling the dough. If we focus to smell and taste, if we are present in creation, it is an act of mindfulness in this exact moment that reduces stress. And to the extent that it exists a whole branch of treatments, consecrated culinary therapy, which can be extremely important. John Whaite, winner of The Great British Baking Show, claims baking is who she is with overcame depression.

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Are you ready for culinary therapy?
Are you ready for culinary therapy?

But it's not just focusing on the here and now that makes baking so therapeutic. It's easy in hard times food is a means of communication and support, while the idea of having done something ourselves gives us a sense of accomplishment. Donna goes on to explain that she can baking and preparing desserts and baked goods for others increases the sense of satisfaction, contributes to reducing stress and makes us feel that we have done something good for this world, which may even increase the meaning of life and connection with other people.

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