
Ballet: Alonzo King LINES Ballet

Ballet: Alonzo King LINES Ballet

Alonzo King LINES Ballet is a famous American contemporary dance ensemble that has been following the artistic director's unique vision since 1982. We will witness ballet excellence in the exploration of new expressiveness on May 7, 2016 in the Gallus hall of Cankarjev dom.

Important information
Cankarjev dom, Ljubljana
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Alonzo King collaborating with renowned composers, musicians and visual artists, he creates works that draw on a wide range of deep-rooted cultural traditions and imbue classical ballet with fresh expressive power.

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Alonzo King LINES Ballet is a famous American contemporary dance ensemble that has been following the artistic director's unique vision since 1982.
Alonzo King LINES Ballet is a famous American contemporary dance ensemble that has been following the artistic director's unique vision since 1982.

Ensemble Alonzo King LINES Ballet otherwise, in the spring and autumn season, he delights the dance lovers of San Francisco with new works of dazzling beauty. King's vision of a revolutionary dance experience is brought to the world by global tours.

In Ljubljana, the ensemble already toured in 2010, but this time it returns with a ballet triptych, which it introduces Concerto for two violins to a Bach composition, which King performs in his characteristically sensual style. Short Male quintet it rests on the exceptional dance quality of the male part of the group, its internal geometry and dedicated commitment. Font space is the central, longest choreography of the triptych. The fiery work of lyrical moves is accompanied by Jewish, Christian and Muslim sacred music and the tradition of Tibetan Buddhism.

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