
Ballet: Jevgenij Onjegin at SNG Maribor

On November 26, 2016, the ballet performance Eugene Onegin will be premiered at SNG Maribor. The dance piece, which draws its story from Pushkin's iconic novel Eugene Onegin, was choreographed by renowned ballet choreographer Valentina Turcu. The new ballet performance finds its musical basis in the works of Tchaikovsky and Rachmaninov. Marko Japlje's scenography and Alan Hranitel's costume design will infuse sensibility, sensuality and brilliance into the neoclassical ballet aesthetic and romantic musical background. Tickets are already available.

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SNG Maribor
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Entrance fee
26 €

November 26, 2016 will be on stage SNG Maribor a ballet performance performed for the first time Yevgeny Onegin, directed by the famous choreographer Valentina Turcu. Among others, they will introduce themselves to us in dance roles Anton Bogov, Jelena Lečić, Matjaž Marin, Tijuana Križman Hudernik and Sytze Jan Luske.

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The ballet takes its story from Pushkin's novel of the same name
The ballet takes its story from Pushkin's novel of the same name.

The music will be provided by two Russian composers Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky and Sergei Rachmaninoff in execution orchestra and soloists Katarina Lotrič and Denys Masliuk. A new ballet performance of this of Pushkin's iconic novel will be in a thorough dramaturgical renovation, neoclassical ballet aesthetics and in the light scenography by Marko Japlje and costumes by renowned designer Alan Hranitel revived in all its sensuality and sensibility. There are tickets already on sale.

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