
Watch out, you won't like it: a personality test that shows if you are a manipulative person

We all keep quiet sometimes, we agree on something and then have a bad conscience. We feel bad. But some on the contrary. Have you ever heard of the term Machiavellian? If you are a Machiavellian, you believe that the end justifies any means, regardless of the moral aspect. Check if YOU or YOUR partner is a Machiavellian!

There is Machiavellianism in psychology an extreme form of manipulation. The personality type of people with this characteristic does not care about the feelings of others, only about their own goals and success. They are selfish, manipulating and glorifying themselves. They want to have absolute power over others.

Machiavellianism is an extreme form of manipulation.
Machiavellianism is an extreme form of manipulation.

The term comes from a book Ruler by the 16th-century philosopher Niccolò Machiavelli, which questions how a ruler can acquire and retain power in ruthless and deliberate ways.

And what is a Machiavellian? First, let's take a look at some of the characteristics or claims that apply to a Machiavellian.

  • It is better to be feared than to be loved.
  • For them, everything is black or white.
  • They have a constant desire to conquer.
  • They think that their view of the world is shared by everyone.
  • They lie and deceive.
  • They tend to have casual sex.
  • They avoid emotional attachment.
  • They flatter, they are patient to get their way.
  • They have a lot of acquaintances, but they are not able to build closer friendships or love relationships and thus never allow others to get to know them well.
  • They have a series of short-lived relationships. If you've been dating this person for a while, you're probably not the only partner in their life.
  • It was also found that Machiavellians are more often men.

Why are we attracted to them?

Because surface charm, which these people usually show. They are very confident, talkative. In other words, they look like the person we've been waiting for all our lives. Basically, these are the people our mother warned us to beware of. Avoid physical communication as they usually rely on their looks and charm to convince and manipulate others.

They attract us because of their superficial charm.
They attract us because of their superficial charm.

Personality test

The personality test comes from a book Studies in Machiavellianism psychologists Richard Christie and Florence Geis, it consists of twenty questions. Each item is a statement that we rate based on how accurate it would be for us. It takes 2-5 minutes. Read the statements carefully, to understand their meanings correctly. You can find the test HERE. Be careful, you may not like the results!

This test is for educational purposes only. It is not a substitute for any psychological help.

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