
Best laptops of 2017: Apple MacBook Pro 13 - still among the best

Macbook Pro 13 - inches

Best Laptops 2017 – The Apple MacBook Pro 13 laptop made it to our list of the best laptops of 2017.

Basic information
MacBook pro
The price
from €1,749.00

Apple still makes the best-built and best-looking laptops in the world. There is absolutely no doubt about that. They pay so much attention to the production that it borders on high art. But Apple has fallen asleep in certain areas and the competition is overtaking it both left and right. But it's not all about the numbers on paper, at the end of the day it's mostly about the feelings of how the computer works in its ecosystem. And here it is MacBook still among the best.

What makes it special is the toolbar Touch Bar, a small touch screen that replaced the function keys. And the most the controversial USB-C connector, which represents the future of connectivity, but for now only with a bunch of adapters that cause gray hair for users. Apple has always plowed the fallow in certain areas, even at the expense of considerable user dissatisfaction.

Despite the multitude of reasons against the purchase, one of which is definitely the price, which starts at 2,100 euros, we believe that the 13-inch version will be the one that the believers of the Apple brand will most often choose as a compromise between the price and what they get. Its bigger brother, the MacBook Pro 15, is so much more expensive that its purchase is by no means a rational choice.

Basic data // CPU: Intel Core I5–I7 | Graphics: Intel Iris Graphics 550 | RAM: 8GB-16GB | Display: Retina display | Data storage: 256GB-512GB SSD

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