
A big leap for the Lacoste brand

"It will be just you and me. We will be everything we have always dreamed of". In such a romantic tone, the latest advertisement of the Lacoste campaign "Life is a Beautiful Sport" takes us.

We all remember those first moments in love. Full of sweet expectations. Electric touches. Shy looks. And the first step! A kiss that takes us to intoxicating heights. Also a TV ad Lacoste's campaign"Life is a Beautiful Sport” made by a French agency BETC with Title "The Big Leap” is inspired by a similar story, staged from the side Paul Hamy and Anne Brewster, where a man takes a big leap and risks everything to make his life's dream come true. Hit it Flume remix song "You & Me” by the British duo Disclosure thus, on a wave of strong emotions, they are taken together towards a brilliant future.

The story is about a man who risks everything to embark on an unforgettable emotional whirlwind of the love of his life.
The story is about a man who risks everything to embark on an unforgettable emotional whirlwind of the love of his life.

Lacoste's spring/summer 2014 campaign is also accompanied by print ads by photographer Jacob Sutton, which celebrate life in high-flying urbanity with the central star of the TV ad and model Kati Nescher.

The "Life is a Beautiful Sport" campaign is also accompanied by printed advertisements of high-flying urbanity.
The "Life is a Beautiful Sport" campaign is also accompanied by printed advertisements of high-flying urbanity.

You can watch the entire ad in the video below.

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