
Sunscreen self-applying booth

Self-applying Sunscreen SnappyScreen booth

Did you know that most people don't even know how to use sunscreen properly? We can no longer imagine summer without sunscreen, as it protects us from increasingly dangerous sun rays and, as a result, burns and skin cancer. Despite its vitally important role, scientists are surprisingly finding that we don't actually know how to apply the cream correctly. But perhaps this knowledge will be superfluous in the future, if the idea of the company SnappyScreen, which has made a special cabin for applying juicy cream without touching, catches on.

We recently learned how many times a day should you apply sunscreen, if we are exposed to the sun for several hours, but this time let's see how in the future we may no longer need to ask our partner or friend to rubs his back or parts of the body that are difficult for us to reach.

Applying sunscreen has never been so easy.
Applying sunscreen has never been so easy.

SnappyScreen introduced a special booth for applying sunscreen by spraying, where we don't have to do practically anything to apply it.

READ MORE: Sunscreen - how many times a day should we apply sunscreen?

Step into the cabin, you choose protective factor (15, 30 or 40), enter your height and put on disposable glasses. The cabin starts to spin you slowly and meanwhile evenly throughout the body, from head to toe, apply sunscreen. It takes everything away from you 10 seconds!

Self-applying Sunscreen SnappyScreen booth.
Self-applying Sunscreen SnappyScreen booth.

SnappyScreen wants to set up its booths on beaches and swimming pools, similar to where the showers stand. Protection from the sun and harmful UV rays it has never been so simple, thorough and fast at the same time.

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