

If we want to spend the last days of the year feeling at home, we can go to Matiček. In a pleasant atmosphere that reminds of the times of childhood and life. In order to bring all this closer to us and to stop the rhythm of everyday life for a moment, Pr'Matička conjures up a gourmet event that will remain a fond memory. In their kitchen...

Basic information
Jezerska 41
from Monday to Saturday from 12:00 to midnight, Sunday from 12:00 to 16:00
(04)234 33 60

If we want to spend the last days of the year feeling at home, we can go to Matiček. In a pleasant atmosphere that reminds of the times of childhood and life. In order to bring all this closer to us and to stop the rhythm of everyday life for a moment, Pr'Matička conjures up a gourmet event that will remain a fond memory. In their kitchen, game specialties are prepared by the best game chef in Slovenia - Matiček. The offer is tied to the season, everything was possible on their menu (deer, wild boar, chamois, partridges, bear's paws, wild rabbit, pheasant, voles, quail...). To name just a few of the dishes served at Pr'Matička: venison steaks, medallions, welington, pheasant and partridge baked in salt or clay, voles, venison goulash, carpaccio... For all those who prefer aquatic animals, they prepare freshwater and marine specialties mostly from the bread oven. Twice a week, they offer fresh octopus, piranha sea bass, capelin, rainbow trout, pike, turbot, bream... They also prepare salmon, pike, or flounder upon prior order. For all those who swear by home-made Slovenian cuisine, we prepare burkaša, Prekmurska gibanica, home-made blood pudding, homemade bread from the bread oven (buckwheat with nuts, corn, whole grain, pumpkin...), buckwheat porridge, homemade ravioli with porcini mushrooms, raw štruklje and more many delicious things. On warmer days, we are also invited to the garden, where there is room for 70 guests.


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