
A massive staircase in the middle of Rotterdam

Monumental stairs in the middle of Rotterdam

In front of the main train station in Rotterdam (Rotterdam Centraal), on the 75th anniversary of the reconstruction of the city, which was devastated by the Second World War, a massive staircase was opened to the public. This leads to the top of the monumental and historically significant Groothandelsgebouw, which was completed in 1953 and is one of the first major buildings built after the bombing of the city.

A massive staircase in the middle of Rotterdam, the Netherlands, which leads to the top of the historically important building Groothandelsgebouw, counts 180 steps, and the walker in this time climbs by a car 29 meters. At the top, a temporary shelter awaits him viewpoint, under which a view of the entire city is offered, as well as a temporary one at the top cinema, in which film screenings and public debates and performances take place, and visitors can also learn about the city and the ongoing renovations.

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Rotterdam has a new temporary attraction.
Rotterdam has a new temporary attraction.

Metal stairs of the architectural office MVRDV, which resemble construction scaffolding, will be open to the public until June 12, 2016. Entry is free.

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