
Camera for the "awkward" - Nikon 1 AW1

Nikon 1, AW1

Do you have a habit of mishandling your camera? Or do you always find yourself in a situation where things fly on the floor?! Do you live an active life in which dust, water and mud enter?! Do you have children with an artistic streak? Then carefully read the following lines about the Nikon 1 AW1.

Basic information
Nikon 1 AW1
The price

Nikon 1 AW1 - it will allow you to easily leave the device on the sandy beach to the orthotic handles, jump into the home pool with it or leave it anywhere without protection. It is a global innovation - the first device with an interchangeable lens that is resistant to dust, water and falls from a height of up to "several" meters. The camera is equipped with two lenses as standard – 11-27.5mm f/3.5-5.6 and wide-angle lens 10mm f/2.8 lens. Both are naturally water resistant. Other features are just as great as it is 14 megapixel sensor with HD video capabilities, as well as other accessories – in heightr, GPS, depth sounder and compass.

A photo camera for real adventurers will cost you 800$, or something like that 590€, which is not too much money for a device that, according to the manufacturer's promises, lasts a long time.

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