RNB CONFUSION powered by INDEX.HRSREDA, 24.03./CLUB TOPTHE CANDY SHOP The visitors of the popular RNB Confusion program have been dancing to the rhythm of popular r&b hits in the TOP club for 3 Wednesdays in a row. Hope we've satisfied your appetites so far? Also in the coming weeks, on Wednesdays, we are preparing...
We relaxed while tasting the divine desserts of Yildiz Han Turkish cuisine, which is also known for its rich culinary specialties of all kinds of dishes. As always, the friendly Playa staff made us happy with a welcome drink, for a lively afternoon...
You are cordially invited to the concert of Oliver Dragojevic, which will take place on March 20, 2010 at 8:00 p.m. in Laske pri Celje. More information at...
Dejan Zavec, world boxing champion according to the IBF version, will defend the title of world champion on April 9 in the Tivoli hall. The opponent will be Argentinean Rodolfo Martinez. Ljubljana's Tivoli Hall (ice hall) will be the venue for a boxing spectacle like no other in our country: Showdown in the Dragon...
Do we still remember the controversies about Ljubljana's shame on Prešeren Square in Kavarna Tromostovje? The music schedule changed radically with the month of March and mainly gained in the quality of the performers, as well as in the music itself. You are welcome to see for yourself! **** Duo Kull-Tura plays and ...
Do we still remember the controversies about Ljubljana's shame on Prešeren Square in Kavarna Tromostovje? The music schedule changed radically with the month of March and mainly gained in the quality of the performers, as well as in the music itself. You are welcome to see for yourself! *** The duo operates under...
Do we still remember the controversies about Ljubljana's shame on Prešeren Square in Kavarna Tromostovje? The music schedule changed radically with the month of March and mainly gained in the quality of the performers, as well as in the music itself. You are welcome to see for yourself! *** The girls intertwine ...
Do we still remember the controversies about Ljubljana's shame on Prešeren Square in Kavarna Tromostovje? The music schedule changed radically with the month of March and mainly gained in the quality of the performers, as well as in the music itself. You are welcome to see for yourself! * * * Alex...
One of the most successful comedies and the only one that managed to exceed the magic number of visitors in Slovenia. More than 100,000 visitors have already seen the show, and there are at least as many reasons to visit a show with an excellent cast. Because in the second half of the month we only have three possible...
Selektor že 40. Tedna slovenske drame, Marko Sosič, je v tekmovalni program festivala uvrstil tista dela, ki na odru izkoriščajo vse potenciale gledališča kot medija, hkrati pa ohranjajo visoke estetske kriterije. V tekmovalnem programu si bomo lahko ogledali sedem predstav: Pot v Jajce SNG Drame Ljubljana in SNG ...
Prva slovenska uprizoritev komične drame Romanca je delo enega najboljših sodobnih ameriških avtorjev, ki je znan po svojih številnih delih, nagrajenih s mednarodnimi nagradami. Kot izvrsten pisec natančnih, inteligentnih, ostrih, včasih vulgarnih dialogov, polnih nenadnih in nepredvidenih preobratov se je ...
The comprehensive exhibition of the world-renowned and renowned architect and urban planner, who is considered a pioneer of postmodernism in architecture, consists of original exhibits, architectural models and projects, which are complemented by photographs by top Slovenian and foreign photographers. During his rich career, Boris Podrecca became a world...