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In the Šentjakob Theater some time ago, we had the premiere of the play Tičja kletka, which is far from just a play about a gay couple who owns a transvestite club. It is a "sad comedy", a "cheerful drama" or a "comic melodrama" that offers much to entertain and even more to think about. Under the tutelage of...
Pust nas ni pustil ravnodušne do krofov. Privoščimo si jih lahko katerikoli dan v letu, zato je en dan po pustu na poslužbeni zabavi v Playi zadišalo po svežih in sočnih krofih Tvojih 5 minut. Sladkali smo se, uživali ob dobri glasbi in se sproščali po napornem ...
V Playi smo se razvajali pred Valentinovim. Privoščili smo si sproščujočo masažo rok z dišečimi olji in se popolnoma prepustili izkušeni maserki iz enega najlepših slovenskih wellnessov Harmonije Mengeš. Srečni nagrajenec je dobil darilni bon za romantično razvajanje v ...
Gunpowder is considered to be the invention that may have had the most fatal impact on human history in the last half-millennium. This time we will learn how hand-held firearms developed from the late Middle Ages to the 20th century. We will present the intermediate stages of development with interesting specimens from the collection of the National Museum of Slovenia - from...
On Sunday, February 28, 2010, the National Museum of Slovenia - Metelkova will host the final guided tours of the exhibition Under Napoleon's Eagle. 200 years of the founding of the Illyrian provinces:- at 11 a.m. - final expert guidance after the exhibition. It is led by the author of the exhibition, M.Sc. Jože Podpečnik. - at 4 p.m. - final leadership...
We will walk around the city with a plan of Ljubljana from 1811 by the students of the class for mathematics and drawing of the Ljubljana University. The map was drawn by Jean (Janez) Scherrer, also the later author of the painting Illyria resurrected. We will start our walk in the National Museum of Slovenia - Metelkova, where we will briefly see...
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Big band RTV Slovenia is preparing a concert for jazz connoisseurs in early March.
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Bernard-Marie Koltès Roberto Zucco Directed by Phillipe Calvario Starring Marko Mandić, Milena Zupančič, Tina Vrbnjak, Veronika Drolc, Valter Dragan, Marko Okorn, Katja Levstik, ...
The Turtle's Amazing Journey is the story of a little turtle that begins on a Florida beach where the turtle hatches and embarks on the journey of its life - a journey around the Atlantic Ocean. The film will be shown as part of the Kinobalon children's program in Kinodvor until February 28, during the winter holidays from February 15 to 21...
The children's puppet show, based on the bestselling book by youth writer Josip Ribičič, is the story of Miškolin and his family. Mišon's family has three members: father Mišon, mother Mišonka and Miškolin. Spoiled Mishkolin is bored because he is not yet allowed to ...