The largest sporting event with a thousand-year tradition will leave a strong impression even in the center of Ljubljana. During the Olympic Games in Vancouver, Canada, there will be...
Enoletnica je eksperimentalni interaktivni stripovski album avtoric Saše Kerkoš in Mine Fine. Gre za preplet dveh pogledov na temo časa in vsakdana. Avtorici sta želeli s prepletom “pogledov” ...
Razstava najbolj zanimivih ptičjih hišic je nastala s sodelovanjem zaposlenih v Arboretumu Volčji Potok in obiskovalcev, ki se s svojimi izdelki in fotografijami hišic potegujejo za nagrade. Domišljiji in opazovanju ptic pozimi se pri ...
Mednarodni festival in revija igralcev na orglice oziroma ustno harmoniko poteka letos že enajstič. Z vsakim letom se na reviji predstavi večje število igralcev, ki na inštrument z mogočno tradicijo igrajo tako stare ljudske pesmi kakor tudi klasične in sodobne. ...
Postojna Blues is one of the more recognizable festivals dedicated to blues music, which invites the most creative creators of blues music to the ambience of Predjamski Manor. This time the evening is reserved for Ian Siegal. His latest album titled...
For almost three weeks, on Ljubljana's bridges, we will be able to come across performances that are created within the framework of the workshop of the Ana Monro Theater and the traveling academy of the street theater FAI AR'. The workshop is not only interesting for casual viewers, but for all actors, dancers,...
Following the example of the well-known book fair, one of the most prominent animated film festivals got its own "after". Twelve award-winning and selected short animated films from the last...
The free magazine Poročni salon, in cooperation with the Prospherus Academy, is preparing the first educational consultation with invited experts in the field of wedding preparation. The one-day training is dedicated to everyone who wants a good plan and organization of a wedding celebration. Until 2 p.m....
Books, fashion and cooking. What do these three things have in common for you? They are all occasional activities that have become jobs for us over the years. As a result, we professionalized hobby activities such as writing, cooking, interest in fashion, etc. Sometimes we also have concerns, because you...