The festival, with the vision of bringing together the best comedies of the current season in one place, got rid of its local character in eighteen years. With its coming of age, it has become an important Slovenian theater event, which brings top performers to Celje every year...
We were able to see a successful and high-profile ballet evening by Dutch choreographers performed by the SNG Opera and Ballet Ljubljana ballet ensemble a year and a half ago, when it impressed mainly because of the coordinated and equal dance...
Anton P. Chekhov - the "artist of life", as described by Leo Tolstoy, in Uncle Vanya entangles and untangles the love and erotic relationships of the central characters, and at the same time confronts his characters and viewers with questions about the meaning of his own actions and...
The multimedia performance builds on the structure of a musical concert, where every interruption or break between points becomes a connector of frozen images, full of texts, modern electronic rhythms, angry guitars, noisy oscillations and hypnotic bass lines. At ...
The second full-length stand-up show by actor Tadej Toš draws a line under the stereotypes of today's society. A thick hour and a half of comprehensive...
Lani ustanovljeni natečaj je pridobil veliko zanimanja v stroki in širši javnosti, saj so izdelki, ki so predstavljeni na razstavi natečaja, najboljša slika zanimivih in pretresljivih zgodb iz bližnjih in daljnih dežel. Letos si bomo lahko ogledali ...
The largest sporting event with a thousand-year tradition will leave a strong impression even in the center of Ljubljana. During the Olympic Games in Vancouver, Canada, there will be...
Enoletnica je eksperimentalni interaktivni stripovski album avtoric Saše Kerkoš in Mine Fine. Gre za preplet dveh pogledov na temo časa in vsakdana. Avtorici sta želeli s prepletom “pogledov” ...
Razstava najbolj zanimivih ptičjih hišic je nastala s sodelovanjem zaposlenih v Arboretumu Volčji Potok in obiskovalcev, ki se s svojimi izdelki in fotografijami hišic potegujejo za nagrade. Domišljiji in opazovanju ptic pozimi se pri ...
Mednarodni festival in revija igralcev na orglice oziroma ustno harmoniko poteka letos že enajstič. Z vsakim letom se na reviji predstavi večje število igralcev, ki na inštrument z mogočno tradicijo igrajo tako stare ljudske pesmi kakor tudi klasične in sodobne. ...
Postojna Blues is one of the more recognizable festivals dedicated to blues music, which invites the most creative creators of blues music to the ambience of Predjamski Manor. This time the evening is reserved for Ian Siegal. His latest album titled...