Just a five-minute drive from Maribor in the direction of Ruše, on the banks of the Drava River, there is a former boathouse. Today, there is a pleasant restaurant with a wonderful view of the Bresterniška Bay, which represents a kind of connecting point. It connects land and water, continentality and Mediterraneanness, and all these dual influences are manifested in...
More and more tourists are choosing to spend their holidays more actively, so they are embarking on nautical tourism with yachts and sailboats. A well-equipped marina is the basis for a comfortable leisure time, and since we don't have time to cook a good meal every day on our barge, in addition to all the comforts, Marina Portorož also offers us...
Na poljanah, v prav nič panonskem okolju, najdemo prvo pravo prekmursko restavracijo v prestolnici. tradicionalni pečat ji dajejo prijeten ambient z nežno obarvanimi stenami, lončarski in pekovski pripomočki na stenah ter tri sobe z različnim vzdušjem. a tisto pravo prekmursko vzdušje nam pričarajo pristnost ...
O vegetarijanskih restavracijah smo na teh straneh napisali že precej, zato je kar krivično, da še nismo omenili prvega pravega vegetarijanskega hitro prehranjevalnega hrama v ljubljani. holyfood se nahaja na igriški ulici v ljubljani, v "fakultetni" četrti za filozofsko fakulteto. velik pretok lačnih študentov ...
Moderni človek je zadnje čase tako zaposlen, da si preko dneva le stežka vzame čas za spodoben obrok. In tako preživimo dobršen del našega časa ob različnih sendvičih ali drugih hitrih prigrizkih. Še dobro, da se pojavlja vedno več restavracij, ki poskrbijo, da lahko relativno hitro pridemo do okusnega in ...
Bled, cvet slovenskega turizma, ne ponuja le enkratnih razgledov in čudovitega jezera. Slovenski dobrojedci, tuji in domači turisti ter slovenski eminentneži se na Bledu oglasijo predvsem zaradi inovativne restavracije Topolino. Barve zaznamujejo Topolino ne le na stenah, ampak predvsem na krožnikih. Poudarek je na sezonski ...
The beach in Portorož is probably the most beleaguered part of the Slovenian coast, especially in the high season, when tourists from all over Slovenia and the rest of the world can be found there. Of course, the culinary offer is therefore very diverse and picturesque. What could be better than enjoying good food with a view of the sea, while we...
On the outskirts of Sorško polje, in Reteče near Škofja Loka, we can find the former old village inn Pri Danilu. It was first mentioned in 1870, it got a new look in 1961, and it still represents a link with the rich heritage of cuisine and gastronomy, for which the inn was known already in...
When we walk with our pet through the old town of Ljubljana and cross the Čevljarski Most bridge, we will probably get hungry quickly when we see a colorful paninoteka in front of us. we don't have to worry about our furries, because we'll probably prefer to sit at the nice tables in front of the bar, there's only room inside for a few...
We have known for a long time that the Karst hides quite a few excellent culinary locations, and in Dolo pri Voglje we usually just drive past Okrepčevalnica Ruj. Why? At first glance, the house does not attract our attention from the road, but by doing so we are doing both ourselves and the restaurant an injustice. Peter Patajec is the head of...
V okolici Kamnika je precej možnosti za sprehode in izlete, še posebej za kratke ali dolge skoke v planine. Skoraj iz starega dela mesta se lahko povzpnemo tudi na Stari grad, kar predstavlja idealno možnost za sprehod z našim štirinožnim prijateljem. In kaj je lepšega kot možnost, da se na vrhu hriba ...
Preko Stahovice nas vodi pot do Kamniške Bistrice, ki je idealno izhodišče za planinske podvige v kamniške hribe in planine. In prav takšno pohodništvo nas lahko pošteno izmuči, še posebej, če so z nami naši štirinožni ljubljenčki, ki nam narekujejo tempo. Zato se po ...