Good coffee is not a secret, but an art. This is exactly what they are aware of at the Coffeeshop Company, which recently opened its first lounge corner in Slovenia in the Europark shopping center in Maribor. The cafe offers Coffe To Go or coffee to go. A wide variety of various coffee drinks will be presented to us...
Le 10 minut vožnje iz središča Maribora, v objemu pohorskih gozdov, leži prestižen hotel Habakuk, ki ponuja več kot samo prenočišče za eno noč. Zamislimo si razvajanje v welness- SPA centru, kopanje v termalnih bazenih, sproščanje v turški ali finski savni ali zgolj posedanje na udobnem fotelju ali ...
V osrčju Goriških brd, v vasici Medana, leži domačija Belica, kjer nas razvajajo z domačo briško kuhinjo, ki se prilagaja sodobnemu načinu prehranjevanja. V svoji pršutarni sami izdelujejo in zorijo pršut ter ostale mesnine, v domači octarni pridelujejo oljčno olje in kis, vsak dan nas pričakajo ...
Right before the entrance to Harambaša, near the center of Ljubljana, we are greeted by the sign "Welcome to Sarajevo". As soon as you enter the room, you can immediately perceive the authentic furnishings of the room and the smell, which infuses the room with the charisma and spirit of the Balkans. The first thing that comes to mind is that we found ourselves on…
When we decide to go on a trip or a short break in the Logar Valley, and all the natural beauty is accompanied by good food, a visit to the Raduha pension is the right decision. The fourth generation has been taking care of the culinary delights, so they preserve the tradition in the cuisine, which, in combination with the constant search for new flavors, still...
V osrčju Triglavskega narodnega parka, ob Bohinjskem jezeru, v vasici Ukanc, se nahaja Gostišče Erlah. Restavracija lahko naenkrat poskrbi za petdeset gostov, v toplejših mesecih pa jih več kot še enkrat toliko sprejme letni vrt. Obiskovalca razvajajo s slovenskimi narodnimi jedmi in pristno domačo hrano, saj ...
The Majerija homestead is an idyllic upper Vipava homestead hidden among vineyards and orchards. A calm and authentic environment, home-made food and the best Vipava wines are definitely the right recipe for relaxation and pampering. In the room, we will be served specialties such as duck pate with...
Na začetku Miklošičeve ulice, s strani ljubljanskega kolodvora, nas pot popelje v notranjost Plečnikove zgradbe, v restavracijo JB. Ime kuharskega mojstra Janeza Bratovža je povezano z vrhunsko kulinariko, ki jo je iz Domžal preselil v obnovljene prostore poslopja na Miklošičevi cesti v Ljubljani. Uredil jo je v ...
V vasi Cogetinci v Slovenskih goricah se nahaja turistična kmetija Firbas, ki gostom ponuja pristen stik z naravo. Firbasovi nas razvajajo s pristno domačo kuhinjo, kjer v prvi vrsti izpostavljajo meso iz prleške tünke. Prleška tünka je v leseni posodi v zaseki prekajeno ali pečeno svinjsko meso. ...
There are few restaurants where we are interrupted during lunch by a plane that is taking off or landing. That is why a visit to the Lesce Airport Restaurant, which can be seen if you drive along the main road towards Jesenice, is unique and unforgettable. Their cuisine is just like that, which is joined in every period of the year by different...
The tourist farm Kranjc-Pavlič is located in the Posavské hribovje in Okroglica, 600 m above sea level. It can be reached from Zidane Most or Sevnica via Loka and Radeč. The facility is built in the style of the Kozolecs, old tools are on display and you can feel that you have entered a homely environment. The farm can be visited from...
V Strunjanu ob cesti, kjer se le-ta začne počasi vzpenjati proti Portorožu, stoji na desni strani gostilna Pod trto. Ime je dobila po stari trti, v senci katere nikoli ne manjka gostov. Pod trto je tipična slovenska primorska gostilna, kjer nam bodo potešili lakoto z odličnimi dnevno svežimi ribjimi jedmi, katerih izbira ...