If you thought entering the sixth decade was the end of nights out, you were very wrong. Meet the only club in the world where people are taken to hospital for forgetting to take their 'drugs'. Yes, things like that happen too.
There is a very special bond between a maternal grandmother and her grandchildren. The grandmother on the mother's side is a very important figure in children's lives for several reasons and not only from an emotional point of view.
When should you not be ashamed of your selfish behavior?
In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, we will witness TEDxLjubljana 2018 for the ninth year in a row, where speakers and participants will shed light on the (un)known. Enthusiasts will listen to ten speeches on various topics this year - ideas will shed light on the fields of laughter, microbiology, architecture, health, plants, suicide and the menstrual cycle, and you will also hear something about air quality and particle physics. New knowledge is waiting for you...
The Swedish band Mando Diao is preparing its first club concert here. They will perform on Wednesday, December 5, 2018, in Ljubljana's Cvetličarna, and they will present themselves with their rich musical repertoire - everything from the biggest hits Dance With Somebody and Gloria to current Good Times and Shake.
Strong women rely on themselves to achieve their goals. This does not mean that it is forbidden or shameful to ask for help. However, strong women know how to take care of themselves, they ask for help when they judge that they really need it. You can read about the characteristics of such strong women in the article.
Eating patterns often change when a loved one enters our lives. And unfortunately, often for the worse. Hourglasses and triangular shoulders take on an oval shape that partners simply get used to. And all this happens because of love, says science.
The modern hipster trend is certainly something that has experienced a boom in recent years on our soil as well. Hipster culture is often associated with an alternative look, but in its content it is much more than an external image. But it cannot be denied that hipsters have set new 'fashion guidelines' with their distinctive pieces of clothing. But how would the most famous people of all time find themselves in this role?
Humanity has always wanted to find an answer to the question of how the world will end. But what do you think will cause the apocalypse? Fire, flood, giant meteor, aliens, global warming or something completely unexpected?
The Naprej/Forward 2018 festival is back again - for the seventh year in a row, it will bring selected examples from global practice, the latest trends and new knowledge to the Slovenian space. In three days, you will be able to listen to Slovenian and foreign journalists, editors and other media creators, participate in workshops and ask everything you want to know about the creation of quality and credible media content.
Have we become too cynical for romantic comedies? We can agree that this is not the case, but there is no doubt that our requirements for what a romantic comedy should be have changed over the years. And these are the best romantic comedies of 2018.
On November 24 and 25, the new generation of the MBFWLJ 2018 fashion week is coming to the Slovenian capital. The fashion platform will now enable the presentation of a short list of creators, and provide fashion designers with greater support in the development of fashion brands.