As part of the 777 World Tour, a very popular singer who won over audiences all over the world with his hits will perform in Croatia for the first time. On October 27, 2018, Jason Derulo, an American R & B, hip hop and pop singer, lyricist and dancer, is coming to Zagreb.
Surfing is one of the most dangerous sports in the world. Athletes involved in riding big sea waves are exposed to many dangers at any given time. Despite this, they continue to push the limits of what is possible with their extraordinary achievements.
Beauty is hidden even in things that are not beautiful at first glance. French artist Romain Thiery has combined two artistic worlds: music and photography, resulting in stunning photographs that take your breath away.
If you're a fan of air travel, but lack the excitement of sitting for long periods of time, now you can experience it in the first Disney x Pixar plane inspired by the cartoon characters.
Are you one of the sworn fans of the Nike brand? Then maybe it's time to consider being buried in a coffin shaped like Nike's famous Air Max sneakers after you die. Yes, you read that right.
Even though flowers are blooming and birds are chirping around us, spring also has its dark moments. Some will feel the dark side of beautiful May more intensely, while some will be spared. For which three astrological signs May will be the worst month and why, you can read in this article.
It's no secret that listening to music has such a power to trigger our emotional response. But it's not entirely clear why when you take the microphone and take over the role of vocalist, even though you may not have hearing, you surprisingly feel so powerful and good.
We present to the public only what we want them to know. What goes on behind closed doors is our little secret. And this is proven by these funny illustrations, which show what the day of an average couple is like between four walls. They will surely find each other.
Remember MSN or the music download site LimeWire - those were the good old days.
Traveling around the world is the dream of many people - get memories that you will keep in your heart for the rest of your life, see wonderful places from the movies, and at the same time there will be no shortage of stories for your grandchildren. If you're a stickler for traditional travel, these reasons will convince you why you should go backpacking at least once in your life.
After the rain, the sun always shines - if you experienced a real shipwreck in the fourth month, the month of May will be the beginning of something magnificent for these three astrological signs.
Nowadays it is taboo to show your anger. It is precisely because of the excessive suppression of anger that we occasionally encounter excessive outbursts of rage. Neither of these extremes is the right path. It is best for us and for those around us to know how to express our anger constructively. However, some will never change. If you encounter a person who has frequent tantrums at work or among colleagues, you can help yourself with the tips in this article on how to deal with people who are angry with you.