Look at what this Russian girl can turn into. The results are truly stunning!
In the movie 24 Hours to Live (2017), Ethan Hawke will surprise us this time in the role of mercenary Travis Conrad, who is forced by circumstances to have only one day to complete his mission. Through the tense last twenty-four hours he has left due to a strange medical experiment, he is driven by revenge for the death of his wife and son.
Here's the first trailer for Phantom Thread (2017), Daniel Day-Lewis' last film before retirement. The film is expected to be in the competition program for the prestigious Oscar film awards. If Daniel Day-Lewis takes home the Oscar, it will be his fourth - he has already won the Oscar for the leading actor for his roles in My Left Foot (1989), Blood Will Run (2007) and Lincoln (2012).
Your taste in music can also reveal how intelligent you are. Read what kind of music and musicians the smartest listen to and what other people listen to.
A visit to the cinema will also be worth your time in 2018. In addition to movie sequels, some long-awaited movies that have been talked about for several years are also coming to the cinema. Here are the most anticipated movies of 2018 that you should not miss.
Russians are undoubtedly a nation that can always surprise. And the Russian company Private Jet Studio makes you look rich on Instagram. So if you really can't afford a private plane, you can "fake" it without worry.
The old devils teach us that throwing a coin into the fountain will bring us luck and grant us a wish that we quietly whisper to ourselves or form only in our minds. And you know what happens to all those coins that land in the fountains?
The scariest night of the year rarely lives up to its name. We usually dress up in not-so-scary costumes and have a little fun with our friends. This year, however, you can put an end to this squishy tradition and finally give yourself a good scare. Come to the 10th horror night at Kinodvor on October 31, 2017, starting at 7:00 p.m. Tickets are already on sale.
Halloween has certainly been gaining popularity in recent years. As a result, every year there are quite a few events and parties where we can go with our broom. And where to go for Halloween 2017?
Some things you simply cannot afford on a first date because they are STRICTLY FORBIDDEN! Why?
Did you know that Nutella, Porsche, Ikea, Nike, Adidas, Volkswagen, etc. are brand names. Pronounced wrong all your life? Read on to learn how you should actually pronounce them.
Young, up-and-coming, unexpected? Do you want to settle down and get married? A new study by The Institute of Family Studies found that marriage should wait, but not too long. So what is the magic age that scientists think is the right age to get married?