People are generally dissatisfied with their appearance, and cosmetic or a beauty industry that promises to bring us closer to perfection. In the age of Photoshop, it's much easier to experiment with your own body, and the website Bright Side has taken advantage of this and embarked on an interesting experiment. She offered people a role in a project in which a designer used Photoshop to remove their "flaws" and create perfect versions of them. What would you change about yourself if you could?
Valentino Kanzyani, artist and visionary, known for his selected musical taste and inexhaustible desire to swim against the mainstream, after seven years with the Jesus Loved You (JLY) event, returns to Klub K4, where on Friday, May 13, 2016, he will provide wild night.
Just when we thought that the northern lights (aurora borealis) couldn't get any more exciting, NASA surprises us with a video of this natural phenomenon, which has published a video showing the characteristic reddish-greenish light that usually illuminates the sky of the North and South Poles , we admire from the air, and in 4K technology. Check out what the Northern Lights look like from space!
Slovenia Lover is a new Slovenian YouTube show in English that promotes Slovenia in a fun way. Zunaj is already the first episode in which Rok Trkaj explains, among other things, where Slovenia is located. Many still do not know this today! Educational and fun. The creative team of Slovenia House is behind the project.
Let's face it, we all lie, and we can't help it. We inflate things to make them seem more interesting and fun, and crave the reactions of others to make ourselves feel better. With the advent of social networks, all of this only intensified (and the mood became directly proportional to the number of likes), and the award-winning short film A Social Life shows how we are with the advent of Facebook, Instagram, etc. started living a double life and how easy it is to trick people into living a life we're not really living.
If you're sick of American superhero movies, here's one the Russian way: Zaschitniki. America and Russia are eternal rivals, and their struggle for supremacy is taking place on all fronts. Now he has moved to the world of movies, more precisely to the world of superheroes, which Americans use primarily as a propaganda tool, as an export item that testifies to the omnipotence of the nation. History books tell who defeated whom in the space battle and the nuclear race, which superheroes would win in a direct fight, or Marvel's or. DC's or the heroes of the big-budget Russian film Zaschitniki, coming to theaters in 2017, may be left to the imagination forever.
How much does it cost to be a woman? Is it even possible to compare the lives of men and women? In many areas it is difficult to draw fair conclusions. In some places, however, we can conclude in which skin life is easier. Let's say: how much does it cost to be a woman? Is the life of the fairer sex more expensive than the life of men?
Is your boyfriend also two heads taller than you? Then you will still recognize yourself in these situations! Only girls who are in a relationship with tall guys understand these things.
The premiere of the play 1981 is coming to SNG Maribor, where we will be able to witness a story that unites and separates two times - the first, which in the homeland of "order and work" joined forces in style, swore to the honorable Titova, full of factories and sincere comrades, and the second , the current one, where promises are no longer binding, where the sword of power is wielded only by self-sufficiently arrogant individuals who "for the devil" sell the state's, once people's, infrastructure.
How to get over a breakup if Ikea shared love advice? Every breakup, no matter how friendly, has its consequences. The end of every love story is a kind of defeat. Some take it to heart more, others less. It is often difficult to recover after the end of a relationship and it takes quite a while to start feeling good again. If you want to get over a breakup quickly, listen to Caisa Nilasec's advice in the style of instructions from the furniture giant Ikea.
It's easy to be a general after a battle, so these photos that show how people around 1900 imagined life in the year 2000 will have you laughing. But after all, they would probably laugh at your hundred-year predictions in a hundred years. The paintings depicting the future are the work of the French painter Jean-Marc Côté, and they adorned postcards and cigarette and cigar boxes.
The TV series Game of Thrones is an epic drama based on the collection of fantasy novels A Song of Ice and Fire by George RR Martin. It is set in the fantastic world of Westeros, which we get to know in the opening credits. You can now view this in 360 degree mode too!