The 90s of the last century were marked by legendary films that still inspire many film connoisseurs today. Why not treat yourself to an "off" evening and enjoy watching at least one of the 10 film classics from the 1990s that we must see at least once in our lives? And from every film genre, from comedy to children's film classics.
Women's Day, which is celebrated in about 100 countries around the world every year on March 8, is an international day of struggle for women's equality. The international holiday of the economic, political and social equality of women and the day when we make our mothers, sisters, girlfriends, wives and other women who play an important role in our lives happy with a little attention. But why exactly do we celebrate Women's Day?
Would you like to try your hand at filming, but don't know where to start? You have come to the right place, because we have prepared for you 32 steps on how to become a filmmaker, packaged in a video. However, after just a few shots, you'll realize that it's a parody, but you can still glean a lot of useful information from it. If nothing else, you'll at least have a good laugh.
The studio is the artist's second, if not first, home. However, the studio is an extremely important thing for artists, as they spend a large part of their lives in it. Let's see in which studios the most famous artists created and are creating and make sure that the greatest works of art are sometimes created in a real chaotic mess.
Illustrator, artist and author Christoph Niemann fills his "Sunday Sketches" series with sketches, which he combines in a fun way with everyday objects, which from the right perspective become something completely different from what they are. Thus, a comb is a mask of a car, headphones a mosquito, an ink bottle a camera, a poppy a hairy man's beard, a pair of socks the head of a dinosaur,...
Kanye West - infamous rapper, fashion designer, Kim Kardashian stylist and now curator - is a pop culture phenomenon that you either love or hate. His fans and haters agree that he is one of the most daring people in the music and fashion world. And, because Kanye West leaves no one cold, there's the witty Instagram profile @kanyeisfashion, which brings laughs to tears with witty comments in the rapper's signature style.
Would you like to work for Mark Zuckerber? If you've always wanted to work for Facebook, which would make sense for most of us, considering how much time we spend on it, then it's worth listening to the advice of Facebook's founder, who revealed what he's looking for in Barcelona at MWC 2015 people who are looking for employment with him.
Martyrs' Day, which is celebrated every year on March 10, has its roots in Christianity and is not a counterweight to Women's Day, which occurs just two days before, although the day of all men, as it is also called, is today understood as just that. But the game for the creation of Martyrs' Day was not the jealousy of men who wanted to have their own holiday in every way, it is also not a parody of Women's Day, but the inspiration to be drawn from the story of the 40 Roman soldiers.
A concert treat awaits us in Pula on September 12, as the Pula Roman Amphitheater is the first stop on the exclusive Live Europe 2015 tour of the legendary David Gilmour, the longtime guitarist and singer of the Pink Floyd band.
Tonto the Indian, Edvard Škarje, Ed Wood, Captain Jack Sparrow, Willy Wonka, Sweeney Todd the barber, the Mad Hatter, Barnabas Collins and now Charles Mortdecai. Johnny Depp is clearly not tired of rejected roles, because even in his latest film, the comedy Mordecai, he plays a good-hearted art dealer and casual con artist, who is also a caricature at the same time.
In the old town center of Kranje, a trendy tea shop India Koromandija has opened, from which the intoxicating smell of cinnamon, cardamom, ginger, cloves, pepper, vanilla, chocolate...
Spring will wake us up and it's also time for spring dishes. At this year's cooking academy, we will indulge in the charms of asparagus and truffles, which are at the very top of seductive dishes, as they awaken all the senses due to their exciting smell.