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Gallery of Contemporary Art, 20.9. - 28.10.2012 Participants: - Marko Peljhan - Maja Smrekar - Robertina Šebjanič - Špela Petrič - Polona Tratnik - Dunja Zupančič - Dragan Živadinov - Miha Turšič With the third edition of the project...
Curator of ceramics, dr. Mateja Kos, will present individual ceramic materials and types of decoration. It will draw attention to the characteristics in individual periods and the development of individual genres. Visitors will be able to see and touch original objects from the 15th-20th centuries. The conversation is imaginary...
Curator of ceramics, dr. Mateja Kos, will present individual ceramic materials and types of decoration. It will draw attention to the characteristics in individual periods and the development of individual genres. Visitors will be able to see and touch original objects from the 15th-20th centuries. The conversation is imaginary...
Helena in Jakov se srečata v domu za upokojence; na kraju, kjer se življenje konča. Toda med njima se nepričakovano razvname ljubezen. Neke noči preskočita ograjo balkona in kot kakšna sedemdesetletna najstnika pobegneta v noč. Z avtom, ki ne more peljati vzvratno, se podata po odročnih cestah, svoja mobilnika vržeta v ...
Sedemletni Marcos mora zapustiti dom in se odpraviti v Tiho dolino v gorovju Sierre Morene v Španiji. K sebi ga vzame modri starec, kozji pastir Atanasio, ki ga nauči veščin, potrebnih za preživetje v divjini – kurjenja ognja, zeliščarstva, lova, nastavljanja vab za zajce in ptice ter stika z volkovi. Da ...
To je nenavadna zgodba o skrivnostnem gradu, kjer so dobrodošle vse pošasti. Grof Drakula skrbi za udobje in počitek strašnih gostov, nemir pa mu povzroča svojeglava hčerka Mavis. Na njen 118. rojstni dan grof povabi vse legendarne pošasti, od Frankensteina, Mumije do Nevidnega človeka in drugih, ...
Acclaimed filmmaker Luc Besson, who produced and co-wrote the screenplay with co-writer Robert Mark Kamen, and director Olivier Megaton present a thriller that follows in the footsteps of the global hit Kidnap. The story continues two years after the events of the first film, when Bryan Mills, while working...
Kultura, jezik, vera, običaji, lepota in modrost življenja so tisto, kar ustvarja tradicijo posameznega naroda. Tokrat imate priložnost spoznati tradicijo srbskega naroda.
Srbska kulturna dediščina je bogata, pisana in vedno znova ponuja nekaj novega, nekaj nepredvidljivega. Ena izmed njenih posebnosti so ...
Koncert v prenovljenem Kranjskem Bazenu! Pred nami še skupini DAPC in Dandelion Children, za nami pa Mi2.
Skupino Hulahoop sestavljajo Eva Traven na vokalu, Monika Klobčar na klaviaturah, Marko Klobčar na baskitari in Anže Burja za bobni. Ustvarjajo avtorsko glasbo, svoj stil bi pa opisali kot prodoren pop z ...
Ten years ago, Leopold Pozabil found such an interesting object in his grandmother's attic that he immediately put it on display at the museum. He would like to show it to his friend, archaeologist Jana Žlička, who will soon visit him in the museum, but he has forgotten which of the objects on display it was. ...
What is touchable clay? What can be created from its kneading? Come and try your hand at making clay horses! Before the creative work, don't miss a mysterious trip through the dark museum rooms, where magically colorful ceramic products are on display. An opportunity for a pleasant family get-together!
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