When you apply to college, you can't choose to major in professional cat petting, ice cream testing, or unlimited travel from the list of colleges. You probably thought such careers didn't exist, but people actually do. Suzi Weiss-Fischmann, who takes care of naming OPI's famous polishes, is also in an incredible and completely enviable position.
People are fascinated by a wide variety of food from all over the world. Of course not - there is never too much enjoyment with delicious delicacies. Regardless, there are also dishes that, for a reason, do not appeal to us the most.
The catwalks have 'closed', the fashion weeks are over. It is time to analyze what we have seen. Some designers have wowed with their collections, others have certainly failed to do so, but at least they have shocked the crowd with their absolutely insane pieces.
Many people practically cannot get through the day without a morning cup of coffee. That's why few people think about the fact that the morning is actually not a good time to drink the most popular caffeinated drink in the world.
You know very well that you have to get a few awkward glances and say something stupid before you can tell a person that you like them. Even animals have their own special language, which seems simple to us, but it is definitely not easy for them, especially if people have to show signs of love in this way. They would look like fools!
We bet you never imagined you could feed a million mosquitoes with your body. But you won't use Botox on your face if you don't want to paralyze the muscles. Human bodies hide many secrets that also have scientific explanations.
Some people follow expiration dates strictly and no one can convince them to use a certain thing after the expiration date. Others, on the other hand, do not change the dates, as they follow the rule that the markings on the packaging are only a guideline, with which manufacturers legally insure themselves. Well, maybe those who strictly throw away everything that has expired are smart, because you will be surprised by the list of things that we use despite the expiration date, but do not realize it.
Our world is full of friendly and beautiful animals, and we celebrate this on October 4, World Animal Day. That is the time to especially realize that animals are often our best friends and companions and that we are responsible for them. So on this day, make time for your pet or pets in particular, or look around at all those unfortunate animals who don't have a home.
Pregnant women and mothers, your moment has come - In Los Angeles, they opened a salon dedicated to mothers, where they can get rid of stress, and pregnant women, for whom one of the relaxing massages can help with the upcoming birth. If you're wondering where to take the kids while you're enjoying yourself, just bring them along. Everything is taken care of, it's your job to enjoy.
People who earn their salary based on the work done usually want to finish their tasks in as little time as possible. So why is it necessary to visit the workplace 5 days a week?
Some of you went through your teenage years drama-free, but for most teens it was a time when they tried out every subculture in the world – emo, punk, gangster, indie – and tried to convince their parents that it wasn't just a phase. , but rather that it is a true identity. The people in these photos prove that their parents certainly didn't have it easy.
There is probably nothing in the world that can replace bouncing, tail wagging, jumping for a treat and cuddling. Puppies are considered to be the most devoted creatures, but they are definitely the best thing you can think of in this lonely world.