Reading this on a smartphone? Are you in a public space or in a company? Perhaps at home with the family? Chances are you are in one of these situations. Photographer Eric Pickersgill focused on our obsession with smartphones and removed smartphones from photos to show just how addicted we are to them. We look pretty funny without them, don't you think?
Dreams are an important and necessary process that protects us from the development of psychological problems. The famous psychiatrist Sigmund Freud called dreams the "royal road to the unconscious", yet his ideas about dreams and their relationship with the subconscious remain controversial. He believed that strange images from dreams can be interpreted as symbols that represent certain conflicts in our lives, most often of a sexual nature.
When Cher and Stephen Lair brought home their seventh child, their first six children were in for a shock: child number seven was a girl, and the first girl in the family. The boys were very excited to meet her anyway, and that's how this video was made, a video about a family full of love that will absolutely blow our minds.
Smartphones have radically changed our lives. In the first breath, we will say that for the better, because in many cases they have made our lives easier, but after a little longer consideration, the pluses will quickly be lost in the minuses. We have ourselves to blame for this. We started exaggerating, and as we know, no exaggeration is good. Many studies thus confirm the many negative consequences of smartphones on our mental and physical health, so it is high time to cure this addiction. Which can be difficult. That's why we've prepared a technology cure, a detox with a doable weekly plan to wean yourself off your smartphone to successfully cut the umbilical cord.
Phubbing is poison. It is the culprit for the breakup of many relationships. It is a new phenomenon that is the result of the growth of smartphones. We have become so addicted to them that they have become annoying. Not only did they change our communication and behavior in society, but they also started destroying relationships. We spend more and more time looking at the phone screen, and we neglect the people around us more and more. This 21st century phenomenon is known as phubbing and is often the cause of relationship problems. Are you also a "victim" of phubbing?
Memories are like sparks that smolder under the ashes, but when you unfold them, they come alive again and again, Goethe once said. Without memory, the ability to learn would also be meaningless, as we would not be able to remember what we learn. And if you think that the memories in our brain are stored as data in the working memory or on the hard disk, you are wrong, because while the computer stores information in specific places, the brain stores fragments of the memory of the same thing at different ends. And when we recall a memory, nerve impulses from individual parts of the brain assemble these fragments of memories into a meaningful whole. But why do we (re)store some memories, while others are swallowed up by a "black hole"?
We usually remember our wedding or the importance of our marriage on wedding anniversaries or expecting a baby, a new house, and the list goes on. But let's never forget that our marriage is made up of small, everyday moments of love, support and kindness between two people that define a lasting partnership. Here are 11 small but important things that we can do to make our marriage even stronger and remind our partner that he/she is the most important person in our life.
Halloween is just around the corner, so it's about time we got you in the right mood. And where better to start than with a photo gallery of the world's most beautiful carved pumpkins? These carved pumpkins will make your masterpieces look like the work of a three-year-old, but you still have some time until Halloween to perfect your carving technique.
Every Sunday evening, most of us already start counting down the time until the new weekend. It's right that the weekend lasts so little time, that we always look forward to it that much more, but sometimes a little more than two days would still fit. Unfortunately, we rarely get an extended weekend due to a holiday, but there are ways you can seemingly extend the weekend. Because of this, you will return to the workplace or to the school desks more rested, even though the weekend will still only have 48 hours. Check out which seven tricks you can use to do it.
People often compliment Regina Brett that she looks great for her age of 90. Well, it turns out that the lady is actually 54 years old and not 90 as the web says. She began writing Life Lessons the night before her 45th birthday, the day after she was diagnosed with breast cancer. Her life lessons are spreading extremely fast, they have gone viral. And even though Ms. Regina is not 90 years old, she has touched many lives and the lessons are appropriate for anyone who has forgotten what is truly important in life.
Each of us has ever dreamed about what kind of future awaits us - will we fly through the air, teleport, go on vacation in space? The fact is that no one can predict the future - but that doesn't stop us from thinking about it. And the same thing happened already in the past - our ancestors also imagined what the world would be like in the past or - what the world is like today.
Have you ever wanted to visit the magical hall at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry? Even if you are not a fan of book and movie hits about a young wizard and his friends, we are sure you know who Harry Potter is. However, books and films about him are already world-famous. And that's why Harry Potter has many young and a little less young admirers around the world, who will finally come to their own account - Warner Bros. The studio in London published news about a Christmas dinner for Harry Potter fans - right at Hogwarts!