Sometimes it seems incredible what people put on pizza. Many pizzas do not have much in common with the original margherita. One such is The Bomb pizza, served at the South Korean restaurant The Place, which at first glance resembles puffed dough, but then magic happens with fire... Probably the most unusual pizza in the world.
When you're only allowed to eat one cookie a day, it takes some getting used to. Did someone say it shouldn't weigh more than 15 grams? No? Then prepare the cookie of all cookies, a real Cyclops among chocolate cookies.
You probably know many types of bread, but we bet you have never heard of monkey bread. Half bread, half pizza must be your next culinary project. But that doesn't mean you need a mountain of ingredients and a lot of kitchen mileage. No, all you have to do is follow the instructions of this recipe and you have nothing to miss.
The Bunyadi is the first nudist or a naked restaurant opening its doors in London. She will invite naked guests. And if you thought it would be single, you're right, because the waiting list is as long as the line for a new iPhone months before it opens! The restaurant grew on the grass of the creative group Lollipop, which already curved the bar after the example of the cult TV series Breaking Bad, ABQ.
Awaken the barista in you and learn how to make rainbow coffee! All you need in addition to the usual ingredients is food coloring and you will impress your guests like never before!
How to speed up the ripening of an avocado so that it softens faster? You probably don't know that avocados don't ripen on the tree, but only after harvesting, which is why we often come across unripe and hard fruits in stores. Logically. Soft fruits are not permanent (if you buy soft, you must eat them the same day!). So since you buy hard and unripe, you have to wait for them to ripen. They can be ripened at room temperature, but the process is long, as it takes 4 to 5 days! What if you want it today? Check out how to speed up the ripening of an avocado so that it softens faster and is ripe in minutes.
A soufflé is a quick-to-prepare but delicate dessert that guests eagerly await with a spoon in hand while it bakes. It should be runny under the crust. It is usually prepared in a small ceramic or in a glass container (the word is of French origin, just like souffle), but the orange souffle, which we present to you below, is served in an orange peel instead.
On Friday, April 21, 2016, the first Slovenian brandy distillery opens in the basement of the Merkur building on Celovška cesta in Ljubljana. snob boutique! Do you come on spikes?
The question of how to prepare the best coffee has dragged on, without a single answer, through space and time for quite a long time and far. Older generations swear by classic home-made Turkish coffee, younger people like to experiment with flavors and additives. This time, however, she decided to look for the answer in irrefutably credible science. So how do you make the best coffee?
On April 15, 2016, 104 years have passed since the "unsinkable" Titanic, the largest ship of its time, sank in front of an iceberg in the North Atlantic on its maiden voyage. But you already know most of the history of the Titanic, so this time we reveal a lesser-known fact: what kind of food was served to the guests on the ship. Both to those who are most fifth and "paradise". See the original menus from the Titanic.
With picnic season comes grilled cheese season, which is a great idea for a quick lunch during the summer months. And if in our country we distinguish cheeses of this type mainly by manufacturer, in the fast food restaurant Kala they serve you toast with rainbow grilled cheese, which is certainly the most photogenic grilled cheese on earth.
Cubiton® is a French start-up company that presents an innovative concept in the world of wine – premium French wine packaged in a practical cube. Vision, desire and passion for wine united three young French entrepreneurs who are already conquering France, England, the United States of America and Slovenia with their innovation.