The city, which empires tried to subjugate for centuries, is also the city where the best sides of the European and Asian continents intertwine. Istanbul, one of the world's largest metropolises, grew into the capital under the Byzantine Empire and retained this prestigious title even during the Ottoman Empire. But it is not only history that attracts tourists from all over the world, but a mixture of smells, tastes and experiences, as the city is bursting with attractions.
The winter holidays are approaching and we are already thinking about a well-deserved vacation. All nature lovers will be delighted with the location of this hotel. In this fairytale place, you can ski, take a helicopter and boat ride, ski or simply enjoy the beauty of nature and peace. So start thinking about leaving the city life behind and heading to Norway to the Stofjord Hotel.
The epidemic of the new coronavirus has paralyzed travel plans for a while, which is why we are all eagerly thinking about our first trip after the end of the virus crisis. Perhaps you would prefer to escape from bad news and noise to a secluded island, or you want to immerse yourself in the exploration of foreign, unknown cultures. The choice is yours!
Air transport and travel in general are not very friendly to the environment and the planet, anything but that. It is precisely because of the sustainability aspect, which is becoming one of the leading components in the world, that it is also necessary to think about our personal treatment of the environment. So if you like to travel, we offer you some interesting alternatives for more sustainable tourism.
A country of contrasts, where tradition intertwines with the modern and where the urban meets the rural. Azerbaijan is one of the most fascinating countries on earth, and there are several excellent reasons for this. The former Soviet republic has recently experienced a sudden boom, which is reflected in the high-tech capital of Baku, but on the other hand, due to its primitiveness and undiscovered nature, it is still closely connected to uninhabited nature.

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