If humanity encountered a virus similar to that of 1918 (we are talking about the Spanish flu), between 20 and 100 million people would die. But the flu virus is not the only one that threatens humanity - according to the World Health Organization, 39 new diseases were discovered at the beginning of the 1980s, mostly transmitted from animals to humans. Many of the new viruses that have threatened humanity are actually 'old', as animals have been carrying them for centuries. The best example of this is the HIV virus, which is the successor of the SIV virus (Cameroon chimpanzee virus). Experts believe that the transformation of 'peaceful SIV' (non-dangerous to chimpanzees) into HIV occurred 70 years ago, when deforestation and road construction began in Africa. Let's see which are the 8 most dangerous viruses that experts call the 'horsemen of the apocalypse'.
Christmas holidays are just around the corner. But to make them especially festive this year, these festive manicures can also help you. From the traditional red color to glitter, gold and silver - these are the most beautiful Christmas nails.
Due to a stressful job and an overcrowded schedule, it often happens that we start to take stress as a natural part of our lives. But this is not good in the long run, as it can lead to serious health problems, hormonal imbalance and general malaise. Therefore, it is imperative that we learn to control it.
The modern way of life requires us to be in two different places at the same time. That is why it often happens that we forget the things that our body really needs. At least 3 times a week, we must take time for training, which will help us maintain our physical condition.
Well, we're not really surprised, right? The air in some parts of the world is so polluted that people have to walk around wearing protective masks. And when we inhale such air, we inhale poison, which first settles in the lungs, and then (obviously) continues its journey elsewhere. However, it is said to threaten fertility.
The VIRUS project (Society of Medical Students of Slovenia) invites you to an awareness campaign on World AIDS Day. This year's slogan is: Total to zero - 0 new infections, 0 AIDS, 0 discrimination.
Do you also like to squeeze those 'blackheads' on your nose? Do you know you shouldn't have them at all? These are almost certainly not blacks.
Some people's faces turn red when they drink alcohol, and this is definitely not a good sign. Everyone who turns red after drinking alcohol has a special reaction to alcohol. Every time they drink alcohol, they are literally poisoning their body.
Would you like to quit smoking but can't seem to succeed? Have you already received a thousand and one well-intentioned advice, but still you are spinning in a vicious circle? If you would like to quit smoking for good, this is the best and most reliable way, says science.
Everyone's unwelcome flu and cold season is already knocking on the door. When we get sick, time stops, hours seem like weeks, weeks seem like months. We can forget about recreation and hanging out with friends, because we are doomed to rest.
Today is the start of Movember. This means that men let their beards grow for the whole of November. Are you worried about whether you'll still be sexy with her? Don't worry, you will. As proof, we attach photos of celebrities who look even sexier and more charming with beards.
What makes you happy? The answer probably varies from person to person. For some people, the happiest time in the world is time spent with family, while others need unlimited amounts of chocolate or time for intense exercise to be happy. Science set out to find a universal answer. What are the things that make every Earthling happier? Read on for a list of 5 scientifically proven habits that will make you happier.