Pink October is the global month to fight breast cancer, the most common form of cancer in women. In this spirit, it should not be neglected that October 15 is the day of healthy breasts, where they want to remind us of a healthy lifestyle, weight maintenance and daily physical activity. We are still not fully aware that we are responsible for our own health and that for all people, including cancer patients, proper nutrition and physical exercise are an indispensable part of maintaining their health.
Do you know a miracle cure for a cold? Cold and flu season is approaching, but if you want to stay healthy all this fall and winter and forget about visits to the doctor and pharmacy, you have to make this miraculous home remedy for colds from an often overlooked spice that can become your only medicine; medicines for colds, flu, sore throats and the like will be a thing of the past. It is so strong that it protects you from viruses and bacteria (if you use it regularly, it strengthens the defense mechanisms), but at the same time it is so simple that even a child can mix it up. And what is its secret ingredient? Ginger!
Everyone who has at least as much of a sweet tooth as we do knows that fall and the approaching holidays mean only one thing - loads of sweet apple pies, wraps, caramel apples and other sweets that are so welcome in the colder days. To make it easier to give up unhealthy vices, we have prepared 5 tips on how to mitigate, if not completely eliminate, the desire for sugar...
Women always spend a lot of time grooming ourselves, for men. In doing so, we use a bunch of products that emphasize our natural beauty. And this is the first reason why cosmetic products saw the light of day. Speaking of beauty products, do you know what the most expensive beauty brands are right now? Not all brands are even super famous, but they are clearly a real gem. We present the most expensive brands of cosmetic products, which are apparently also the world's best makeup, available right now. PS: The article is a must-read for women, but it won't hurt men to skim it either - especially if they're looking for a gift.
Do you know what to do if you burn your tongue? The colder weather is coming, which means that we will be pressing our palms against the cup more and more often and sipping hot tea or chocolate. Danger always lurks even with hot soups, pizzas and the like. With hot drinks and food, and because of our inattention, we can quickly burn our tongue. Find out what you need to do to eliminate the burning pain below.
You have probably seen in the media that diets that require fasting - giving up food - have been in vogue recently. Of course, you will ask me, but what is new here? After all, the point of diets is to give up a thousand and one sins. But these diets are still a little different - with them, we lose pounds by fasting (absolutely giving up food), and of course you don't have to be Sherlock Holmes to make it clear to each of us that fasting makes you lose weight - even if you just lay in bed.
What do we do when we accidentally cut ourselves while preparing food? First we put the wound under water, and then we look for a patch in the bathroom. What if we told you that the ingredient to stop the bleeding can be found right in the kitchen? The next time you cut yourself, use this cheap kitchen trick to stop the bleeding in just 10 seconds!
Are you interested in what happens to our body when we stop eating sugar and drinking alcohol for a month? The LifeHunter agency from Amsterdam, which sent Sacha Harland to a diet without alcohol and sugar, was equally interested. The result of the experiment will shock you!
Even the sparrows on the roof are chirping about the key ingredients of a healthy lifestyle. Let's eat more fruits and vegetables, consume less alcoholic beverages and coffee. Let's sleep, meditate and exercise. Although it sounds simple, we all know that living a healthy life requires a discipline that few possess. To make your way to this goal easier, we've found 10 realistic ways to live healthier.
Wine is a noble drink that should be enjoyed within normal limits. Just because we like wine doesn't mean we're alcoholics. We all know that excessive alcohol consumption is harmful, but just the right amount of wine offers quite a few unexpected benefits for our health. Among other things, it helps with weight loss and reduces the risk of cancer. So let's discover the seven effects of drinking wine that will have a beneficial effect on our health. Cheers!
A new study has shown that today, even though you eat and exercise as much as they did in, say, 1980, you are fatter. It could be said that scientists have finally found the answer to why today's generation is a little more abundant than our parents' generation was, or rather it has to work harder to be on the same level.
We all know the morning routine well. Alarm clock, snooze, snooze, snooze, coffee, leaving home. In most people, this provokes some anger and morning sickness. Today we bring you the best news - scientists have discovered the optimal time to start work. Does the early hour still apply - the golden hour?