
7 effects of wine consumption beneficial for our health


Wine is a noble drink that should be enjoyed within normal limits. Just because we like wine doesn't mean we're alcoholics. We all know that excessive alcohol consumption is harmful, but just the right amount of wine offers quite a few unexpected benefits for our health. Among other things, it helps with weight loss and reduces the risk of cancer. So let's discover the seven effects of drinking wine that will have a beneficial effect on our health. Cheers!

1. Wine helps you lose weight.

Resveratrol, a "miracle compound" found in wild berries and red wine, turns bad fats in the body into good ones, helping to burn calories.

2. Wine reduces the risk of certain types of cancer.

Resveratrol may also help reduce the risk of certain types of cancer, such as colon cancer. It causes the growth of cancer cells to slow down by causing the cells to eat each other. In fact, this compound is said to work long after the wine has been consumed.

3. Wine helps ward off colds.

There is quite a bit of evidence to suggest that drinking wine in moderation improves our immune system and thus reduces the risk of catching a cold by as much as 40 percent. Again, we can thank the "miracle compound" resveratrol; this somehow suppresses the immune system's response to a cold.

4. Wine improves mental health.

A glass of wine a day is said to banish grayness and depression from our lives. This was discovered in the Predimed Mediterranean diet study.

READ MORE: The positive effects of chocolate on health, which are scientifically proven!

5. Wine has a positive effect on our teeth.

A 2014 study purported to prove that wine acts as a mouthwash, helping to fight tooth decay. The active component in grapes has an antimicrobial effect on bacteria in the mouth.

6. Wine for healthy aging.

This is a common wisdom that comes from the Mediterranean - drinking wine in moderation can help us age gracefully and keep us young at the same time when combined with a healthy and active lifestyle. Small amounts of resveratrol slow down the aging of the body in the long run.

7. Wine protects our eyesight.

Although too much wine causes double vision, small amounts of red wine are thought to protect against vision loss. Resveratrol is said to stop the abnormal growth of new blood vessels in the eye (angiogenesis). Angiogenesis usually leads to vision loss in old age or even other vision disorders.

All these benefits of drinking wine come from drinking wine in moderation, that is, drinking it in small quantities. If we don't drink wine, that's no reason to start drinking now. But if we are fans of a good drop, small amounts of wine can contribute to better health.
The recommended daily amount of wine for men is up to two and a half deciliters per day, and for women up to two deciliters per day.

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