How many times have you thrown away packaged food that has expired, or has the taste and texture of the food changed? All this just because you forgot about the food in the fridge in the crowd of other foods? Bad organization of refrigerators and improper storage of food costs us more than necessary, but it is also one of the main culprits in the creation of an alarmingly large amount of food waste. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations warns that if food that becomes waste were a country, it would be the third largest emitter of greenhouse gases in the world.
Wedding rings have always been an important symbol of eternal love, and this tradition has been preserved to this day.
Summer is the time when we can take a break and relax. It is also the time of summer parties, when we chat and have fun in pleasant company and while listening to selected music. But did you know that you can consume quite a lot of calories by drinking cocktails? That's why we've made a selection of cocktails with the fewest calories for you.
Ice creams that carry the aroma of some of our favorite drinks are certainly not new, but when we happen to have the opportunity to try something new, it's the right time to really do it.
Collaborations between car manufacturers and fashion brands are not unusual, but all too often it happens that the end result does not impress us in any way. In the case of cooperation between the manufacturer of steel beauties Ferrari and the manufacturer of sportswear Puma, we are absolutely delighted.
Protection from the sun is still important, and therefore we should not ignore the fact that we have been applying sunscreen incorrectly all our lives. Researchers from Liverpool have also proven this and are now warning us to be more careful, especially in the face area.
Summer brings with it some beauty problems. These micro tricks are so amazing that you just have to know them!
Feng Shui means wind and water. The Chinese have always associated it with health and abundance. It is an ancient skill that is more than 5,000 years old. For many, feng shui is extremely important in decorating the home.
Breakfast is a very important meal. A good meal eaten in the morning helps control body weight, and eating protein accelerates body regeneration and stimulates muscle growth. So below we present you the 5 best protein-rich breakfasts recommended by some of the best personal trainers.
The refrigerator is definitely the most important household appliance, as it stores perishable food. At the same time, it represents the center of your kitchen. This is also why Samsung pays exceptional attention to this segment. The new generation of refrigerators bears the SpaceMax™ label. At the same time, it boasts an exceptional design.
If you have pale skin or spend a lot of time in the sun, you are at a higher risk of sunburn. More severe sunburns generally take longer to heal than milder burns. There are no magic cures for sunburn, but there are ways you can support your body's natural healing process. Let's take a look at the most effective ways to heal sunburn faster.
At McDonald's, they pay close attention to what the packaging for their products is made of. More than 90 percent are made of paper, cardboard or recycled material. With different paper bags, they also pay attention to the fact that the paper is less printed and not varnished. They also sort the waste very carefully, down to every straw and piece of paper. Now it's time for the next step...